Thanks to the continued commitment in your monthly-giving support, 9 children from our Individual Surgical Care program (ISC) were moved off our wait list and mended in the first 3 months of 2022. These are kids who we were not able to reach by our overseas missions, such as the three that we have deployed to Mauritius, Guatemala, and Nicaragua in the first quarter of the year.
Here are some highlights of these special kids:
Exultea 3-year-old girl from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, received open heart surgery in India to treat her Tetralogy of Fallot, a rare form of congenital heart disease (CHD).
Ukasha, Winnie, and Herman
from Uganda, traveled together to India in January to get their hearts mended.
a teenager from Nigeria, recently returned home after spending four months in Los Angeles receiving scoliosis surgeries.
Thank you again for being a part of our Kaleidoscope of monthly-givers. Thanks to you, all these children have had their futures restored.
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