An Easter Message - The Power Of Resurrection
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Jen, a former client, pictured with her kids. She went from a former drug addict to living a new and restored life with her kids because of the power of Resurrection and your support!
Dear Friends,
This Easter, we’ll celebrate the power of the resurrection. The amazing day that allows all of us to experience God’s sacrificial love and radical forgiveness for all of us to have a new life in Jesus. But the power of Easter isn’t just one single day. I am blessed to see how He restores lives here at New Beginnings every day. 
I see the power of restoration at our New Beginnings biblically-based discipleship program for men and women seeking a better way of life after being released from prison. 
I see the power of restoration in our Homes of Hope for men and women. Safe secure housing, a safe place for residents to feel comfortable and where they can start to rebuild their lives 
I see the power of restoration with parents reuniting from healing, a second chance to do life over together and teach them to be independent, self-supporting, and stable under the Lordship of our Jesus Christ.  
I see the power of restoration with children getting their mother or father back so they can grow up with the love and support from both parents in a stable home.
None of this would be possible without the incredible staff here at New Beginnings and partners like you. This Easter, I hope you’ll celebrate the new life that is made possible every day thanks to God’s amazing love and grace. 
In Him,
Randy Haskins
Founder/Executive Director