Hi friends,
Sending you this super late note after working on its draft in the early morning, then getting all the family dressed up for a 2-hour church ceremony to celebrate Palm Sunday, a bit too long for the kids I might add, then working on homework with my girl, having a wonderful fish meal by my mother-in-law as per tradition, a perfect nap, and finally an egg-hunt for the kids at my parents' house.
After bedtime shower, story, hugs, and kisses, a nightly meditation I needed, here I am, editing the newsletter to send it while it's still a Sunday. Not my best time management story, but I know many of you have had messed up routines this month too.
How was your day? 
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A family picture from today's Palm Sunday celebrations, the first time since 2019.

Here is your weekly dose of The Sunday Spark ⚡️ a newsletter listing 5 inspiring things I thought were worth starting your week with: 
  1. Thinking of starting a podcast? Here is a free e-mail course for you to get you started from my podcast course friend back in the day David Nebinski.
  2. From the most famous habits blog on the web: Practical Steps to Curbing a Compulsive Habit.
  3. I love my mastermind group, and I think you might want to consider starting or joining one. This short book will help you figure it out.
  4. I once used this amazing story to start a big meeting at work about uncertain times, The compass and the map.
  5. Speaking of maps, here is a favorite quote from a book that I started 10 months ago then put aside until now, I love how she writes:
"Oftentimes, when we want something that doesn't come with a manual, we are afraid of it, because we could lose our way since there's no map. Well maybe, WE are supposed to draw the map, so someone who comes behind us won't get lost. Create the map you didn't have."
― Luvvie Ajayi Jones, Professional Troublemaker

I care about this, and I think you should too: 
  1. Will you add your signature, please? At 300,000 signatures #FreeAhmadManasara petition becomes one of the top signed on Change.org. This petition demands the immediate release of the young Palestinian man Ahmad Manasra to his family after six years of profound systematic abuse in prison
  2. One Man, at the age of 65, is on a 100-day lone motorcycle journey to Save Soil crossing 25 nations, 30000 km, and reaching Amman on the 4th of May.  Register to attend the event in Amman here.  Join this Global Movement to Save Soil. Learn and share about what’s happening with soil, the movement updates & @sadhguru’s journey by following @consciousplanet and @consciousplanetarabic.

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Some cool resources I personally use, love and recommend, with discounts just for you:
  1. I like to start the day with my personalized Momentum plus tab, which helps me stay focused with a powerful mantra, an inspiring image, a to-do list, countdowns to big dates, and world clocks where I keep an eye on time zones of friends and family living abroad before contacting them. Being a newsletter friend, you would get a special offer of a 10% discount when you subscribe to Momentum Plus with the promo code: bardees.
  2. In the past two years, my work routine pretty much consists of going over to Brain Fm, selecting deep work mode and time duration; the rest is... focus. You get 20% discount on your subscription using my code: bardees.
  3. Enjoy 10% off my favorite gratitude journal that I have been using since 2017, The Five-Minute Journal, using the code Bardees10. One journal will last you 6 months. I loved the newly released colored covers.
  4. Enjoy 10% off my favorite daily planner, The Full Focus Planner, using the code Bardees10. One planner will last you 90 days.
  5. Enjoy a free month of the Readwise app to remember your highlights from books/articles you read on Kindle or websites.

What was your favorite Spark? I am eager to know. Reply to this email or share with me on my social media.
See you next Sunday 😊 First name / my dear friend.

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Note: some of the links above may be affiliate links, but always keep in mind that I don’t endorse anything I don’t use and love myself. 


Have a Brilliant Week!

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