Hi First name / Friend,
How has your week started? Like a 🚀 or a 🐢? And how would you describe your career search? 😤 😕 🙄 🤗
While we hope your career journey is bringing you joy, we know it can be incredibly frustrating too. As we discussed last week, there are just so many employers these days! And while it can be comforting knowing there are so many jobs out there, it can feel overwhelming trying to discover the right employer for you.
You've might have perused Impact Assets listing of the top 50 impact fund managers or read the deal section of Impact Alpha or scanned the job listings in these newsletters (and social media), but none of these resources have all of the different types of impact finance funders in one place. Frustrating right? I totally understand, I've (Aunnie) personally been involved in no fewer than 4 different online impact investing directories / platforms projects that failed. Most of these were designed for entrepreneurs and fund managers looking to find each and fund raise, but all would have been incredibly useful for job seekers as well. 
The biggest reason none of these succeeded? The business model of creating and maintaining a comprehensive and up to date platform is really difficult. There is a great summary of the difficulties here: Requiem for a dream…of an online impact investing platform.
I still think there is hope for a comprehensive deal platform (as do others!). So we shall see, but in the meantime, for job seekers looking for an overview of impact finance employers, we've been working on the next best thing. Get excited, because we'll be launching it this week! As our valued subscribers, you'll be the first in the know and have access to a limited time discount.
Enjoy these incredible job opportunities in the meantime!
New Opportunities:


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Follow us on Twitter and Linkedin as we shall be sharing more exclusive job opportunities, as well as additional resources to help your impact finance career transition. 


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Until next time,

Ashley & Aunnie



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Be sure to share or forward this email to friends or colleagues who are looking to start a career in Impact Finance!