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It's Friday, and we hope it's a culmination of a terrific week, semester, quarter, season or whatever phase you happen to be in the cycle of right now! 
Often toward the “ends” of each phase in life we find ourselves asking: What's next? And there are two paths forward you can take. We want you to stop and really think about this: 
You can wait for opportunities to come, or you can create them for yourself. 
Your skills as a musician have likely been the primary focus of your studies, but you'll miss out on the endless possibilities if you don't bring your whole self to the game! It's 2022 and the music industry (and world) is constantly shifting and evolving. We want you to be on the edge of that shift, ready for anything! 
Today we are opening a 7-day email course - especially for all you whats-next-ers - but for anyone wanting to build their skills and mindset in order to create a fulfilling music career in the 21st century. It's about: 
  • knowing our value and recognizing the skills we already have
  • clarifying what we care about and how we want to make an impact
  • opening your mind to ways you can monetize these skills
       all through 7 days of lessons and actions for you to take today.
We believe the people that are most successful aren't the most talented. They're the ones with an open mind, a plan, and the ability to move forward in action. They're also the ones that are curious, that seek out new perspectives and that are open to taking risks.
Are you ready to take measurable action? Let's do it!  From first-hand experience we know: these lessons, tools and resources are deeply transformative to all aspects of your life and work. And the bottom line is, the world needs what you have to offer. 
Spark Your Potential as a 21C Musician: a (free) 7-day email course
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Click on the button to get started, it's free, and you'll get the first lesson as soon as you sign up.  See you on the inside!
Cheering for you! 
Tiffany, Ixi & Ted 

p.s. Get more ideas about Seeking and Creating our blog this week!
p.p.s. Ain't this the truth:  
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THRIVE IS OPEN FOR ENROLLMENT! Through May 5 |  Learn more here

Thanks for reading. We aim to provide actionable ideas in our email newsletters, programs and content. Each week we share thoughts, ideas, questions, strategies and actions that we hope can move the needle for you in your life and career! Here's where we talk about why you're on our list (you signed up for a technique tip, a scale reset, a worksheet, a challenge, to get a printable, some tips, excerpt or practice help or resources), and that we'd love it if you shared some of our ideas with your friends. 
Thanks for reading and sharing.
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