The article talks about a scientific paper published this week in the journal Environmental Research Letters by Griffith University’s Professor Brendan Mackey and Lindenmeyer. It goes on to reveal that the closure of the Triabunna woodchip mill was the tipping point in unlocking Tassie’s capacity to go carbon negative.
What they found was that Tasmania had gone from being a net emitter of around 10 million tonnes of carbon dioxide each year, to a net sink of around the same amount. Hold our champers (*glasses clink in the background*)… Tassie is now a glorious carbon sink, how good is that?!
According to one of Australia’s most acclaimed scientists, it is a ‘profound and unheard of miracle’. Their words, not ours!
The birth of Spring Bay Mill started with a bold bet for the future. And our business of offering a sustainable space for Business Events, Weddings and School Camps continues this mission.
We won't be dialling down on the gloating because it's time to get serious and in all honesty we're just starting to wind up. To read the full article just click that black, boring looking button, below.