“Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud.” 
Maya angelou
Hi First name / there! 
Cheers to April showers bringing plenty of May flowers – and perhaps even a few rainbows – your way. This month is off to a busy start with so many reasons to celebrate: Mother's Day, Travel Advisor Appreciation Day, Cinco de Mayo, the Kentucky Derby and more. The fun continues as we roll in to Memorial Day weekend at May's end, marking the unofficial start of the summer travel season…though, if you ask us, it has already begun!
As we continue to experience collective whiplash with the rebound in travel, we have a few tips to help you better manage the madness. For a refresher on best practices, check out our latest Smartie School sessions that have been running since last week. Need to get organized? Test out some tools to increase productivity such as embedding Virtuoso's hotel booking platform in your e-signature. Or, if you're more focused on re-engaging with clients of past and present, consider spring cleaning your email marketing list (more info below!).

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Our Takeoff mentorship program provides structure around what we have done organically for years – develop and nurture promising talent with a passion for travel. This one-of-kind mentorship program pairs new-to-industry entrepreneurs with experienced SmartFlyer agents. Meet the participants and extend a warm welcome to our newest associates who chose to make a career pivot with SmartFlyer!
As well as a pair of Smarties who joined us this past year: 
Thank you to our below mentors for supporting these new agents! 
Interested in being a part of this program next year? Contact Amy if you would like more info.
Please join us in extending a warm Smartie welcome to our Takeoff Associates and look out for them on the SmartFlyer Facebook group soon! 

Looking for a turnkey solution to stay top of mind with your clients on a regular basis? Just a friendly reminder that the SmartFlyer marketing team offers a complimentary newsletter program packed with inspiring content! Each month, we compile our latest, seasonally-driven stories and send them out on behalf of those opted into the program.
Wondering what it looks like? Here is a recent example that went out to Michael's list! Your version would have your headshot and a call to action to visit your bio with your contact info displayed. Since it is deployed from your SmartFlyer email, responses would be directed straight to your inbox. 
Ready to get onboarded? It's as easy as 1, 2, 3…and maybe 4!
  1. Reach out to kayla@smartflyer.com to express interest in participating
  2. Compile your client list: an Excel file with three columns (first name, last name + email) with recommended list size of minimum 100 contacts for maximum impact
  3. Work with Nicholas Leung to get set up in our system + import your client list. You can set it + forget it from here!
  4. Or, if you crave further insights, you are welcome to use your custom Active Campaign log-in to evaluate engagement amongst your specific contacts
For those already in the program, keep your eye out for two special destination specific editions debuting in the weeks and months ahead! We'll be featuring an Italy exclusive on May 17th and France exclusive on June 14th, in addition to our regular cadence of newsletters with a curated variety of content to be deployed in the final week of each month.

InterContinental Barcelona: Varinia Soler, varinia.soler@icbarcelona.com 


Meet our newest HQ Team Member: Isabella Falcigno
Travel is one of Isabella’s greatest passions and she is excited to join SmartFlyer as Agency Coordinator. Isabella was born in the U.S. but lived in Rome until age sixteen and speaks fluent Italian. She has also studied Spanish, French, Latin, and ASL. While in her undergrad at SUNY Oswego, she worked in the study abroad office and traveled to Jamaica and South Africa helping to bring her to 17 countries and counting! Prior to becoming a Smartie, she gained industry experience working at a tour operator. As SmartFlyer's new Agency Coordinator, Isabella will be your go-to for administrative needs such as booking portal access and more, and support all departments in organizational efforts. Welcome aboard, Isabella!
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is there someone who you think deserves to be recognized? 
Perhaps there's a partner who really went above and beyond for you, a peer who helped mull over ideas that turned into an amazing booking for you clients, or maybe it was a simple something that brought a smile to your face that might lead to a feel-good outbreak for the entire team. We encourage you to share it here. We love spreading the good and we love it even more when it happens with our partners and fellow Smarties!
anything else you want to share?
we want to hear your feedback! 
ICYMI! smartienet password update: SPRINGSMARTIE

Amy Klein
Director of Affiliates