May Beekeeping
— updates from our apiary —
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Installing packages back in mid-April. After a few weeks, they are looking very good!
Excited to see
the new honey
coming in!
Busy, Busy Bees
Here in central Georgia, the nectar flow is ON! We are seeing a lot of privet, blackberry, and hawthorn blooming. The bees are staying busy. With all of this abundance of nectar and flowering plants, we have stopped feeding our hives and are letting the bees fill the honey supers. The packages at the back of the farm look fantastic and we are adding additional honey supers as needed to make sure the hives have enough space. We have seen more swarms this year, so it's important to check your hives regularly for swarm cells! 
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A hive pre-swarm. We try to find the queen if possible. Another good reminder to invest in swarm traps!
I SPY — See anything unusual in this photo?
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Ok, we'll give you a hint! See the bee in the center with white eyes? That's called a chartreuse drone. It's due to a recessive gene in the queen that causes drones to be blind and unable to mate. We saw about 4 to 5 in this hive. 
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Wishing everyone a happy Mother's Day weekend!

Mary & Katherine

Thank you for your support!

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