(NEW!) Community requests:
Can you help with any of these requests? If so, please reply and let us know!
TECH ETHICS: “I'm hunting for an online community where I can send people to share and converse and meet regularly on Tech Ethics. Which is your favorite forum? Looking for one that does regular meetups, etc…"
ASKING FOR FEEDBACK: “How do you ask for feedback in a way that lets people know you really are open to constructive criticism?”
Have your own community ask? Reply and let us know!
We'll see if we can add your ask to an upcoming issue.
RESPONSES to the community requests in our last issue:
SUMMER READS: “Any nonfiction book recommendations for good summer reads?”
• Sweet Potato or Pumpkin Pie: Conversations with My White Friends about Race
by William T. Lewis
• Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person
by Shonda Rhimes
• Breath by James Nestor
• Iron and Silk by Mark Salzman
• Author recommendations: Jenny Lawson, Malcolm Gladwell