Here's what my social media hiatus taught me.
We’re used to making sure our out-of-office message is carefully crafted before we're away from our desks. But what can we do to create the same healthy boundaries around other forms of digital communication, like social media?
Fully “unplugging” can feel impossible, but reducing your tech use can often be exactly what is needed to recharge or recover from burnout. Here are a few benefits I experienced (and ones you can look forward to) if you decide to take your own digital hiatus. 
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  1. You'll connect with friends and family in a different way. Instead of commenting on a friend’s recent post, I set up virtual and in-person coffees and even sent postcards via snail mail. These personal touch points gave more space for us to catch up.
  2. You'll learn new ways to stay present. Without the pressure to immediately respond to my various social media notifications, I kept my phone tucked away preferring to take walks and enjoy my surroundings.
  3. Your screen time will go way down. Through breaking the habit of constantly needing to check notifications, I felt much less pressure to “doomscroll” aimlessly through social media feeds.
  4. You'll release the worry that you're missing out. I feared I had to stay connected on social or I would be out of the loop. After a while, that pressure faded and was replaced with gratitude that I was choosing to spend my free time differently.
  5. You'll reassess your intention for using social media in the future. I decided to be more intentional about what I post and how frequently, so that I'm confident that how I’m interacting with my audience has shared value.
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I hope these reflections are useful as you make your summer plans! You can check out WordSpark's leadership section online to read more about mindful digital use and other topics like this.
By the way, I'd love to chat if you or someone you know could benefit from working with a social impact consultant ready to help teams develop conscious and effective digital marketing practices. Let's connect.

Be well,
 Jennifer I ngham, MSC

P.S. WordSpark's social impact job board includes over 40 new listings for those searching for their next leadership opportunity. Explore the page yourself or forward to a friend or colleague who is seeking a new role. You can also submit an open job for promotion.

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