The magic of autumn and schools hit the road…..
I just love Autumn, the trees that line our driveway are divinely red and I can see them as I get closer towering above the hedge that surrounds our house yard. I'm not a true gardener (I like to call in the cavalry a couple of times a year 😉) but I will say Farmer Ross and I made the right choice when we put these trees either side of the road in.
Autumn is a beautiful time to hit the road too - every town, every property a kaleidoscope of colour particularly as you head from west to east here in NSW. In our neck of the woods we've probably had too much rain (I can't believe that I'm saying that!) - Farmer Ross trying to get the crops in, he's been going on and off since before Easter. Cotton still hanging in there waiting to be picked. Sheep don't mind but we need to watch their feet when water is laying about. Too much rain presents different challenges to too little, but we remain high and dry in our homes with food on the table at the end of the day and we're always grateful for that.
Autumn also marks the beginning of ‘road tripping’ season for our boarding schools and for the team here at Boarding Schools Expo Aus. We've had our first event in Dubbo which was a terrific success (read about it below) and Wagga Wagga is next weekend.
Our Expos are the ONLY dedicated event for families to visit when they're looking at boarding school as an option for their child/ren. Up to 36 schools at any of our face to face events waiting to start the conversation with you.  They're FREE to attend and are absolutely invaluable as a resource to help you make one of the biggest decisions for your child/ren. You can pre-register for Wagga Wagga or any of our events, it's not compulsory to do so but it definitely saves you time on the day. 
Our virtual platform is live ‘Boarding Expo 365’ open 24/7 - you can visit 17 schools this year right from your kitchen table. And we're currently working on our very first Australian Boarding Schools Summit - an online event you can watch whenever it suits you. Demystifying boarding schools and their communities - everything you ever wanted to know. Once you register for ‘Boarding Expo 365’ you'll automatically receive an Invitation to the Summit. 
Enjoy the final days of Autumn and I hope there's some colour in your world as winter begins.
Amanda x

This is how they do it….
Boarding Schools Profile
The boarding houses at Red Bend Catholic College are a home away from home for boys and girls from Year 7 through to Year 12.  Boarders come to the College from country areas throughout New South Wales and regional areas from other states.
Boarders at Red Bend add a great richness and diversity to the life of the school, and the boarders love the opportunities that are provided to them.
When students come to Red Bend Catholic College, they join a family where an inclusive community and grounded culture create a sense of belonging. Respect for the Marist/Mercy heritage and a spirit of service and social justice encourages College students to become valuable contributors to their communities. Families value the opportunity to send both their daughters and sons to the same school. The boarding culture is an important part of Red Bend Catholic College's identity and tradition. Many of the boarders have parents who were educated at the College, bringing a strong sense of community and family involvement with the school.
You can find out more about Red Bend by visiting our virtual expo ‘Boarding Expo 365’ or contacting the school directly via our website.

There is no better way to begin the conversation than by visiting one of our Expo events. Next weekend, Friday 3rd June and Saturday 4th June we'll be joined in Wagga by 36 boarding schools from Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney and right throughout regional NSW (including Wagga's own Mount Erin). 
Our events are truly a comfortable and non-intimidating way to explore ALL of your options - even if you're only just beginning to wonder if boarding school is for your family? Visit, it's FREE and none of your information is passed onto any school. You can take your time, chat to as many school representatives as you like and explore each unique offering of each school. It's really that easy.
Perhaps you've been to an Expo before? We welcome you again! Come back and connect with the schools you've begun conversations with. 
Many families leave their decision until the last minute…. by doing this you will run the risk that the school of your choice does not have a space for your child. Boarding Schools Expo Australia provides you and your family the opportunity to connect with schools while your children are young and closer to the places you call home.
(Is a boarding school you're connected with attending? Reach out and let them know you'll be there.) 

Some of the things we're loving…..
Do you love this image above as much as we do ? We want to credit photographer Elena Chalker who eagerly said ‘yes’ to our request to purchase her image. You'll find Elena on Instagram @misspip_rural where you can devour her gorgeous images of rural life.
Share our newsletter with a friend and let them discover the good news about boarding and building communities away from the places we call home. 
Enjoy your weekend, tune in to Destination Boarding, The Podcast,
Until next Month,
Amanda x
We acknowledge that the land on which we work and live is the traditional land of the Wiradjuri and Wangaaypuwan peoples of the Wiradjuri Nation.
 We pay our respects to Elders past and present and extend that respect to all First Nations people.