
Weekly Newsletter

June 2021 vol. 1

We now accept bitcoin!
One of our objectives at Amber Oaks Ranch is to encourage people to take control of their food supply.  Whether that means growing  a few vegetables, baking your own bread, or connecting with a local producer (preferably all of the above), we encourage food sovereignty.   I think events over the last few years have got many of you thinking along the same lines.
Taking it one step further, let's discuss Financial Sovereignty.  Last week’s newsletter focused on inflation which is a direct result of governments manipulating the currency. By dumping trillions of dollars into the economy, they’ve effectively devalued the dollar, thus robbing you of your savings.  Year-over-year, the purchasing power of the dollar continues to erode.  We have to break free of this monetary monopoly.
That’s where Bitcoin comes in.  I won't go into the many merits of bitcoin other than to say that it is universal, durable,  transportable, divisible, secure, and scarce - making it the hallmark of sound money. But the most important aspect of bitcoin is that it is decentralized, making it immune to governmental manipulations.  It is true that its value is volatile right now, but that will stabilize as it is more readily adopted as a medium of exchange.  And to do our part, we are now accepting bitcoin in exchange for our wonderful meats.
In an effort to usher along the inevitable, we're offering a 5% discount on all purchases using bitcoin.  We have several ways to use bitcoin.  If paying at the market, you will be presented with a QR code and an amount to send.  If you place a pre-order, there is a section on the order form where you can identify bitcoin as your preferred method of payment.  You will then receive a bitcoin wallet address in response.  To simplify matters even more, you can purchase a gift card with bitcoin from OshiApps where you'll get the 5% back in bitcoin rebates.  Bitcoin transactions, unlike credit cards, are very cheap to process, particularly across the lightning network.  Less money gets taken by third-party bankers.  And as we reclaim more and more of our financial sovereignty, less and less money will be stolen through the insidious theft of monetary inflation.Though no expert, I will do my best to answer any questions you may have regarding bitcoin and will gladly get on my soapbox to discuss the merits of breaking free and joining the counter economy. 

Our newest monthly subscription club, the “Loyalty Club”, lets you handpick your purchases throughout the month rather than limiting you to the contents of our current Buyers Club boxes. 
As a Loyalty Club member you will receive the same discount  and benefits of belonging to the Buyers Club like specialty and seasonal bonus items (eggs, turkey, lamb, fruits and vegetables) and free access to our Events including picnics and farm tours. 
When you join the Loyalty Club you will pay a monthly fee of  $100 that is deposited into an electronic gift card in your name.  Every time you make a purchase with that Loyalty Club electronic gift card you get an automatic 10% discount. Any unused credit rolls over to the following month. At Amber Oaks, loyalty has its benefits. Sign up and start enjoying them today. 

Farmers Wife Life
The Cost of Free Ranging Hens
I love my hens and I won’t be getting rid of the flock anytime soon, but there are days I’m tempted to sit on the front porch with a shotgun and pick off a few. You know the ones - every group has them - the boundary pushing, line crossing, entitled Divas who think the whole world belongs to them. We live on 70 acres of pastures, woods, creeks, and ponds. But THESE girls think they are entitled to live at the big house with us. 
They’ve decided that the porches and plants at the house are theirs to do with as they please and they act accordingly. I don’t mind washing chicken poop off the porch (much) but I do mind full on destruction of the landscaping and potted plants on the porches. This particular group has decided my potted plants and flower bed are the best places to nest and dig. They’re literally killing my plants by digging them up or sitting on them and breaking off stems. They’re killing my newer transplants and are even stressing out the older perennials.  I tried to take photos of what the deep holes they’re digging in the bed look like, but they’re hard to capture.
I’ve had issues with a few hens in the past and I’ve made accommodations, either removing the pots or using bamboo kabob sticks to discourage nesting, but this is the first year they’ve focused so exclusively on the front flower bed. I’ve tried placing large rocks in the areas they were terrorizing but that just seemed to increase their enjoyment. They’ve got me flustered, but I have some plans to lay chicken wire in problem areas. Or… there’s always the shotgun :) Meanwhile enjoy your eggs, flavored with all the lovely flowers and herbs in my garden. 


Weekly Markets


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Be well, 

stay safe,


John & Molly
