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Happy Flag Day Beautiful Soul,  
Back again.  
I wanted to come back to you straight away to follow up on the reading for this week, honor Flag day in American and because today is the Strawberry full moon in Sagittarius, not Gemini as I mistakenly identified, wanted to talk about intuition playing a role in releasing old patterns and walking into new thoughts and actions that might serve you better.  
With this Strawberry full moon let's delve a bit further into how our intuition can serve us better if we choose to pay attention to it.   
What is intuition and how could it serve you?  Why use Tarot or Oracle cards to act as a tool to look within and access your intuition?  
Intuition are those ideas that just squeak under the radar of our conscious thoughts and intentions.  Those niggling little thoughts that make us question if that thought was really real.  I don't know about you but as an empath and intuitive I too question those fleeting subterranean thoughts and wonder if they are real. Intuition might be an idea that seems to come from nowhere and keeps us up all night with excitement to ferret it out with actions for its viability.  The goal of tapping into our intuition is to turn those subtle messages up and recognize them so they can serve the purpose they are meant to serve - which is make our lives better, teach us something or warn us.  
Scientifically, intuition  comes from our animalistic part of our brain, the amygdala, to help us heed our normal consciousness and illicit a visceral, gut response.  It's our survival instinct to take a right turn versus a left. 
So how do we tap into our intuition or learn to listen to it?  After all, there is no asset to having intuition if we don't listen to it and take action.  
I learned the following excerpt from an amazing author, Vivianne Crowley, who wrote the book: The Magickal Life various phrases such as the following: 
"I have a body, but I am not my body
I have thoughts, but I am not my thoughts 
OR I have wisdom, but I am not my wisdom. 
I am the ONE, who perceives these, but is not these.  I was, I shall be, I am."  
Breathe into the last sentence.  Breathe into the words 'I am. 
This is just a brief excerpt but the reason I cite it is that this exercise separates us from our mundane, meaning we are so connected to the present trauma drama that we forget to separate ourselves from our bigger picture in life.   Our history, our place in life begins to shift our perspective to take a longer, deeper perspective of who we are and how we want to live.  We are not just our experience of today but of the story of this lifetime.  We are greater than the sum of our parts.  We can be detached from the daily stresses to listen and relax into the whispers of our subconscious, the intuition available to us to keep us calm or aware.  
To apply developing our intuition to today, this beautiful full moon, take a few minutes to sit in quiet moments, breathe and listen to your breath.  Quiet time plus breath work is an opportunity to allow our intuition to come alive. Our breath is the very manifestation of being alive. Then, ask a question such as what do I need, what do I want?  Don't think, just write an answer.  Allow  yourself to start paying attention to symbols of what you need or want.   This exercise allows you to start paying attention to your intuition and make it stronger.   **If you want to hold a crystal for this exercise, I would suggest: Sodalite is known for activating intuition and enhancing our perceptions.  There are so many more but I like to keep things simple.   
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If you would like further training to tap into your intuition, please feel free to connect with me for a complimentary call to give you some new tools to harness strengthening this gift. https://bit.ly/JosCoffeechat 
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The energetic reading for this week:   Crystal Spirit deck by Colette Baron-Reid
Full moon in Gemini - You have a powerful week to reset your money mindset = releasing old scarcity mindset patterns of thinking and reclaim your attitude around abundance. 
Jade is really reflecting that you are enough and any lack mentality is where you might not be recognizing your own strengths and ability to have affluence.  You are enough and you have enough.  You have more affluence than you might imagine so if you're concerned about finances, start with an attitude of gratitude and recognize you are safe and simply working on … having a bit more.  Imagine you have latent strengths so give rise to stepping into new patterns of money beliefs and especially with this new moon, release the old limiting beliefs. 
Sunstone was pulled in protection,  Hah, so perfect in terms of releasing with a full moon; breaking through old patterns and obstacles so the concentration is on money this week folks. Sunstone spirit is really asking you decide what you want to do.  (Reason to go back to the logical steps and get clear) This is really an awesome stone to stay open to possibilities and limitations. 
And if Source wanted to put a punctuation mark to this reading Green Aventurine certainly offers that: Opportunities are easier to spot,  the potential to heal old money wounds is there for the taking (balance and calming your emotions around money) and enjoy this beautiful stone of luck and good fortune.  
News coming this week for the Future-Mapping Workshop!  Talk soon.  :) 
Jo Ellen