My father was very stylish! Check him out, on the left, at around my age. After finishing high school in his native Trinidad & Tobago, my dad enrolled at the University of the West Indies in Jamaica. He then moved to Canada to build a life and family. By the time of his death in 2014, he had achieved one of his lifelong dreams: to own a farm with horses, cows, goats, and chickens.
Happy Father's Day to all fathers and father figures!
Richard Albert
On My Bookshelf
Scholars often call the Chinese Constitution a “sham” that serves no purpose beyond public relations. But this new book--with a provocative title!--shows how the Chinese government makes effective use of the Constitution in both law and politics, in perception and reality, and at home and abroad.
Meet a Subscriber to The Leaflet
Professor Aurela Anastasi is Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Tirana in Albania, and formerly a member of European Commission for Democracy through Law, known as the “Venice Commission.” An expert on gender equality and women's rights, Professor Anastasi is Executive Director of the Center for Legal Civic Initiatives, a non-governmental organization dedicated to strategic litigation and advocacy for victims of trafficking, abuse, and gender-based violence. Connect with Professor Anastasi here.
This is my second time teaching “Constitutional Reform in Ecuador and the World” as a Visiting Professor at the Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo. Next year, I hope to return to in-person teaching. Fingers crossed.
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The mission of the International Forum on the Future of Constitutionalism is to marshal knowledge and experience to build a world of opportunity, liberty, and dignity for all.