Impact & Ease
About time management, priorities and money
An update,
news and some
things I love
An update on the impact & Ease experiment
First name / Friend–
“Time Management & Priorities” - that was the pillar of my Impact & Ease program I've been focusing on in the last two weeks. And I want to be honest: I'm having a bit of a hard time writing a newsletter to you about this. 
Yes, I'm not always motivated or creative - are you, superhuman? ;)
One of the reasons I'm having a bit of a hard time is that Time Management & Priorities are two of my absolute core strengths. You know, the stuff you don't even have to think about? That's planning, organizing and strategizing for me.
If that's not your zone of genius - get in touch, I can teach you a thing or two. ;)
Instead, I'm feeling called to write a few things about - money. 
And before we continue, can I just invite you to notice how your body reacted when you read that word? 
We all have money stories and there's so much tangled up in there that I've barely ever met a person who had a completely care-free relationship with money.
But, I diverge.
For over a year now, I've been eyeing up a course about Service Design because I sometimes feel like I'm never leaving the experimentation phase with my services before I burn them to the ground again. And that sucks. Because I'm good at what I do and I would love to be actually known (and paid, consistently) for that.
Anyway, the course became available in January or so and I decided not to take it at that stage because of my wedding, international move and uncertain times ahead.
Now, it became available again, with a sweet discount, making it roughly half of what I charge one client for a four-month package. The problem: I hadn't signed a client in a while, making this a bit of a challenging decision to make.
You see - if you struggle to make a decision whether to book a session or a whole package with me due to the financial commitment and the nature of every service (intangible and variable) - I get it. I'm in the same boat as you and I'm always happy to chat about your worries, fears, and whatever else might make this decision harder than it should be for you.
Btw, that's what happened with this course I didn't take in December as well: I messaged the lady who runs it and received back an in-depth reply that really helped me to say “no” in December without regret. 
Now though, I decided to go all in on it. 
It's the scariest thing in the world to spend money when you don't have at least the same amount coming in. And sometimes it's also what helps you step into your biggest, boldest version yet. So that's what I'm after right now.
And to put all cards on the table: Week 1 was tough. It has me rethinking everything and stirred up a looooot of things. They haven't settled yet, but I'll give you an update two weeks from now, hopefully with much more clarity.
If you've made it this far - thank you! I really appreciate the few people who actually take the time to read these braindumps of mine all the way to the end.
I have one request for you today: You know that self-employed friend of yours? Would you send her a link to book in for a beta session with me? I'd love to fill these last free slots in June and get to know a whole variety of solopreneurs. 

A New blogpost: 3 Steps From Your Big, Bold Vision To Next Week's To-Dos + My Favourite Time Management Tools
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Did you know that you can find blog articles on my website, too? I just published this deep-dive into how to figure out where you're even at with stress right now. Because the problem with stress is that it can be pretty sneaky.

A couple of things I loved lately:
I shared two practices on InsightTimer that clients have been raving about. Check it out here.
Wondering what that mysterious course is I've been talking about above? Have a look here.
My god, I absolutely love this album right now. In strange ways their music always shows up in pivotal moments in my life and I could tell you of two different core memories I have to their songs. Keen to see what this album will bring.
I unconsciously took a break from oracle cards but have been checking in with them again lately and am absolutely loving it. These are my favourite.
Thank you so much for your kind messages, your feedback and for simply following along here.
