June Beekeeping
β€” updates from our apiary β€”
β€” Summer Camp at Hickory Hill β€”
Last week, Mary and Caroline Lacksen went to Thomson, GA to teach campers at the Eco-Adventures Summer Camp about honey bees! The group was very eager and enjoyed taste testing different types of honey, learning about the beekeeping equipment, and importance of honey bees in pollination and our food supply. 
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Campers labeling the different parts of a honey bee after a lesson about honey bee anatomy.
Caroline teaching
kids at summer 
camp about the 
life cycle of 
the honey bee!
I SPY β€” Any guesses as to what's going on here?
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Ok, we'll give you a hint! It's hard to tell from a photo (video examples are better), but the worker bees on this hive are rocking back and forth. It's a behavior called washboarding. No one really knows why they do it.
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The entire group at the UGA Master Beekeeping program in Evans, GA on Saturday, June 11. 
Thanks to Deborah Sasser for the photos!
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Enjoy this summer season & thanks for your support!

Mary & Katherine


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