Week Four
Hello you!  
For Week Four we are focused on our BRAND aka DOING YOU.  My brand is obviously not perfectionism, as you can glean from reading the first sentence of the last couple emails. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I'm not sweating it because my brand includes the messiness of being human which I try to share about through my own journey, missteps + challenges, which far exceed typos. ;)
This will mean looking at a Gate we have already explored through a somewhat different lens. The Sun is always about YOU and this is no different but our Gate, Sign + Line here give us a lot of sweet guidance around what we want to lean into when it comes to our unique brand in the world, the special sauce that we bring through our authenticity + TRUTH. 
This is also a good week to check in. How are you doing? How are you moving through? Are you “keeping pace"? Are you following through on goals and action steps you set for yourself for this journey? Are you still tuned in to what you want to create. 
When it comes to unpacking the gates, the truth is, one of these a week is kind of A LOT so if you are moving through at a slower pace or just scratching the surface and then want to come back when you can spend more time with each, that is absolutely perfect. I'll be taking a deep dive with each of them again, marinating, meditating, journaling + letting myself roll around in the energy to explore. 
This journey is a way to bring intentional energy together + manifestations are happening within the group. It is an invitation to set ourselves up with some practices + action steps + follow through, keep our word, as we begin to look at the multitude of what these gates have to offer us. 
Wherever you are is absolutely perfect. 

“If you cant see your value, the world doesn't give you value back.”
-Kate Northrup

this week cont…


Let me know how it's going!
With so much love,
Amanda B