Week Five
Hello you!  
For Week Five we are focused on the archetype of our HARVEST aka the PEARL. 
This will mean looking at a Gate we have already explored through a somewhat different lens. Jupiter is always about EXPANSION and this is no different but our Gate + Line here give us insight into our unique relationship to money, to prosperity and pure awareness, but through the means in which we live our lives in ordinary every day ways. 
Happy exploring! (find the entire Being Bounteous journey here which will live on inside The Meeting Ground).
As we bring this journey to a close we are really just beginning. Continue to contemplate + take inventory: 
  • This is not about acquiring more things…what are the ways in which you need more resourcing? What resources feel most nourishing?
  • Be GRATEFUL for all of the ways in which you are currently resourced. Say a prayer for the checkout clerk that you both be in the flow of prosperity. Say a thank you when you pay your phone bill for the service and all the ways in which it serves you Notice the ways you already have what you desire. Have gratitude for your meal and ALL of the beings that went into that plate of food, and the plate.
  • Contemplate on a deep level what you are giving to this world. What are your gifts? What are you offering the whole? Are you in integrity to RECEIVE? Do you have inner conflict around receiving, are you in flow with reciprocity?
  • What is in alignment for YOU, drop comparisons. What needs to be released so you can more authentically align with your prosperity?

“Absorption is the culmination of contemplation. When contemplation has become an art that imbues your life with awareness and allows you to swim daily in the great mystery, then at a certain stage you will find yourself no longer contemplating. You will forget how to contemplate. You will simply find yourself fully alive. Your life will become ordinary once again. Your seeking will have come to an end, and your Pearl will dawn inside your DNA. You will become a master of pauses. In fact, the pauses of life become more important to you than the activities that define them. You will never again forget the essential. Absorption is a stage that you can never fall away from again, because it is already the bedrock of your being. Above all, you will inhabit the ordinary but remain endlessly open to the miraculous, because your Pearl is a wormhole to the miraculous.”
-Richard Rudd

this week cont…
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The stove symbolizes your hearth, the heart of prosperity in the home. Give it, and your oven, a deep clean. Don't store things inside the oven. Having a stove with lots of burners is great or you can hack it by placing mirrors strategically to create more burners. Feng Shui mirrors, the little octagon shaped ones, are great for this. 
More burners = more prosperity.

Rotate which burners you cook on rather than always using the same one(s).

Wipe down your kitchen counter tops with basil infused water or clean with a non-toxic basil scented cleanser. 

Place a clear quartz in your fridge with the intention to amplify nourishment. 

I've loved all of the messages you've sent me. And, I'd love to hear how it's been for you as it all settles in 
+ as you continue on your path. 
Many blessings + may we all have more of exactly what we need.
Amanda B