The Conlectio Newsletter
Less Who I Naturally Am
Dear friends,
I feel the anxiety rise the moment I open any app. I feel joy. Then anger. Then waves of anxiety again.
I delete them. I shut it off and put it away and hold my children and pray for the woman who won't, or didn't, or wanted to and couldn't. I pray for those whose words make the rage rise red in my heart, I pray for eyes to see and ears to hear even as conviction pulses in my veins. I beg for grace, for me and for them. And I remember the truth. The life of every image bearer matters: The one who dies where no one can hear him scream, and one who screams because a government won't let the silent one die.
God sees them both. He wants them both. And Christ died for them both. Can I keep that here, before my eyes? Before my heart, in my words?
Many of you want me to make a statement about the Roe v. Wade decision, just as you wanted a statement about the SBC's cover ups of sexual assault and abuse. And I'll tell you this: I am neither beholden to make such a statement nor ready to do so. But what I AM able and ready to do is point you to a God who loves all lives and hates the abuse of all of them. No amount of excuses would make the SBC's sins less grievous or less necessary for repentance. And no amount of reasoning and can undo the reality that a human life is a life that deserves honor whether it is in the womb, out of the womb, in a prison, at a riot, working at a pregnancy center or attending an elementary school. A consistent life ethic has always been the ethic of Christianity, and no amount of fallacy laden pastel memes can change that.
I have to run to get groceries and as I write this, I am unsure whether Ivan is crawling onto a table - I really need to go check - so I will leave you with a poem I wrote that sums up a little of how I feel:
If, to make space for the hurting,
to be safe for the questioning,
to stand still for the seeking
I must become less who I naturally am,
I will willingly see myself sanctified
for the sake of their hearts.
There is no enneagram excuse
or Myers-Briggs bearing on God's intent
for hearts sold out to Him.
May He become greater, I become less -
not more my enneagram number. 

Your Shop Discount Expires Today!
The Every Woman a Theologian shop funds this ministry, our family, and all our staff. We are so blessed you shopped with us this weekend! The new Quick Theology books are close to selling out! Your discount ends tonight at 11:59 PM ET. 
Code: Theology15 (15% off)
In the Know
  • As I shared above, the EWAT shop launch for summer will remain open until items sell out, BUT your discount ends today! Remember that we offer all our books in ebook version for those who want either a cheaper option or one without shipping (though we do ship internationally). Shop Here!!
  • If you are local to northern Michigan: Contact me if you would like to pick up your EWAT order from the farm rather than have it shipped!
  • We have launched a few new theology class options for summer! First is the July Zoom Theology Basics Class - the first time this has come back for 2022! This begins the first Thursday night in July and is four weeks of teaching and discussion. Includes the Theology Basics ebook. Grab your spot here - 14 left.
  • We are also launching a BRAND NEW offering that I am SO excited about: Theology Basics at Willows Bend Farm! These are LIVE, one-day retreat-classes. Lunch is provided. Grab your spot for one of the two dates!
  • In July I will be taking a break from social media. My team will be sharing content during that time, but I won't be actively on the apps. I do this twice a year for 30 days. If you would like to join me, I will continue to send the newsletter each week and you can keep up that way! If you do take a break with me, I really encourage spending the time you WOULD have been on social media in prayer. Jodie Berdnt has a great 31 day prayer challenge for July. 
What I'm Currently Reading
  • These Women Walked with God by Rev. Raymond: I found this old book at the library sale and was immediately drawn in by the foreword. Written in the late 1940s, it recounts 15 women who lived during the 1100s and how their faith empowered them to change their world.
  • Faith in the Wilderness by Nation and Liu: Encouragement in faith from the Chinese church
  • One Hundred and One Devotions for Homeschool Moms: This is an old one given to me by my mom, I think. 
Raising Tiny Disciples was one of our top sellers this launch!
What I'm Loving
  • Decluttering! Every quarter I try to go through kids' clothes, books, dishes, and toys to remove anything that's not being regularly used or that doesn't beautify our space. If it's the girls stuff, we go through it together. One of the reasons I've been able to manage our home's cleaning schedule is because less stuff = less to manage. Anytime I start feeing overwhelmed with “stuff”, it's time to declutter! (I love Allie Casazza for this kind of thing)
  • Hay Season. Farmer Bob is rolling round bales in our field and nothing brings me more joy than looking out across the yard to see those round dots. They are a comfort to me! I think this is largely because of a book my mom read me as a child - Night is Coming. 
  • Fallon Danae's metabolic hot chocolate: I showed this on Thursday's “day in the life” on Instagram (which I do every week) and it was all the rage, so here it is. 
Around the Christian World
In Our Homeschool
  • I was thrilled with the kids book haul I got at the library sale this weekend. Kids books are one thing I don't limit myself on (I will usually get rid of a book if I buy one for myself, or at very least declutter my books). I believe surrounding kids with great books from a young age is one of the best ways to encourage a lifetime of reading! Here's a little of what I found (below).
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On the Farm
  • The girls have been greatly enjoying their “mud kitchen” - an idea I got from my friend Hunter Beless when she lived in New Hampshire. It's essentially an outdoor, toy kitchen filled with old pots and pans. Our girls have a little cove of trees where we've set up a wooden “counter” with some stainless steel kitchen items and it is the first place they go every time they go outside - summer or winter! Visiting children of all ages love it as well.
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  • My ride or die spelt biscuits are always a hit here. I grind spelt myself with a Kitchenaid grinder and order my spelt berries (an ancient grain) from Country Life Foods in bulk.
  • Our new favorite burger recipe uses the pork from our pigs and Farmer Bob's delicious cows - 1 lb. pork sausage, 1 lb. beef, ½ c. parmesan and 2 TB Worcestershire. Mix together and grill! (Maybe cook a tad longer than usual because of the pork. Pictured above)
for the awakening, 

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