Did you know that writing therapy has the power to tap into your subconscious mind?
That mysterious place inside our heads that seems to operate without our permission, influencing conscious thoughts and feelings about ourselves and experiences. When we’re at our worst, it may feel like a toxic waste dump where all our troubles go to brew trouble.
But what if instead, it could be a resource for healing?
A lot of therapies achieve healing through communication and understanding. Writing therapy is no different. When we can communicate with our inner selves, deeper insights can be drawn out and processed. The next time you are faced with a problem, be it anxiety, depression, trauma, pain, or what may trouble you, perhaps try opening a notebook or word processor and pour it onto the page. I recommend an icebreaker: a conscious thought that serves as a question for your subconscious. Once the words start flowing, you might realize your inner self is doing most of the talking. After this conversation, why not give some advice or words of support? Or simply bask in the catharsis of letting your problems out and take a deep breath.
There are various formats to writing therapy, and often the work is finding which one is right for you.
Therapeutic fiction, anyone?
If you’re looking for therapy to explore the deeper meaning of your life and work through your challenges, consider joining me in transforming your troubles into triumphs.