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Hey First name / Friend,
I'm going to be really honest for a moment. 
There are things I'd like to give my children that I just can't. 
Can you relate to that? The feeling that you'd like to be able to do more than you're able to give your child every advantage, shower them with your love, and give them the very best childhood possible? 
It can be painful to know that some things just aren't possible. We all have limitations. Some of them are financial. Others are emotional, or spiritual, or even physical. Regardless of what your personal limitations are, there are most likely things you've grieved over not being able to provide for your kids. 
My husband and I celebrated 20 years of marriage on June 8th, and we finally got away together for just a couple days last week. And of course, we talked about our kids…all the things we're thankful for, and all the things we wish could be different. I know there are things we could've done better…ways we could've served them more effectively, or decisions we could've made differently. But, as we talked together, remembering, I was reminded that I have faithfully prayed God's Word over these boys of ours for over 15 years. Our oldest will be a senior this year, and his mama has prayed God's Word over his heart for the better part of his life. 
I'm not bragging, or trying to make you think everything is perfect in our home. If it were, I wouldn't need to pray so much. I haven't done everything just right. In fact, I've handled many things all wrong. But the one thing I've done, that I believe (I BELIEVE!) trumps all else, is refuse to allow them to go through life without the gift of a praying mom. 
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Prayer is part of the long game, and it's a partnership with God to accomplish HIS will for my children, not mine, so I know there's still work to be done. Not all of my prayers have been answered, yet. But I believe God has heard them, and I believe He is even right this minute being true to His Word. I've spent my life praying it over these two children, and asking Him to accomplish it in SPITE of me and my husband (and all we haven't been able to give them). 
I believe God's Word is true, therefore, I believe it when I read James 5:16, which says, “The prayer of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect.”
I have banked my life, and the lives of my children, on God's ability to work through praying His Word. 
Not as a vending machine, where I put in a request, and God spits out an answer—not that at all—but as a way to look to God's Word for the answers to all our needs, allowing it to change us from the inside out, making us look more and more like Jesus as the years pass.
He has been so faithful.
But maybe that isn't your story. 
Maybe you haven't been a faithful praying mom. Maybe you didn't even know you needed to be a praying mom until recently, and it feels like you maybe missed the boat. Here's what I want to say:
It isn't too late. 
If your kids are this side of heaven, you can begin praying now. 
It might feel weird. It might take time to get used to. You might feel like giving up a time or two (or 100), but it can be done. And that, quite literally, is why Million Praying Moms exists. 
Brooke McGlothlin

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  • The July Prayer Calendar is Ready - yours for just $5. This month we're praying through the books of 1, 2, & 3 John for our families. Each day, we’ll come to these books of the New Testament, with the prayer calendar as our guide, and ask God to help our children to understand and embrace authentic Christian living with true doctrine, selfless love, and obedient action. Learn about getting your copy here!
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  • New Podcast Season - tragedy stole our joy at the end of the last school year, as the world endured yet another school shooting that took the lives of precious children. Many parents, myself included, have struggled with the idea of starting fresh in the 2022-2023 school year, and it isn't a matter of HOW we educate our children. Tragedy can occur anywhere, even at home. The question is, how do we trust God through the fear? In this new season, I'm going to spend time with Tara L. Cole unpacking things like:
    • How to trust God with your child in the new school year.
    • Why prayer should be top of your back-to-school priority list if you have any hope of trusting God through it.
    • Why you need a strategic plan for prayer this school year (and an example of what it can be).
    • How to help your kids remember the promises of God.
Make sure you mark your calendar for the beginning of this new season, and plan now to share it with your friends who might be worried and fearful too. If you're not already subscribed to the Million Praying Moms Podcast, you can find info on how to do that here. 

  • My new crossbody bag. My husband got me one right before we went to TN to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary and it was a lifesaver! I don't know about you, but I don't love the fanny pack trend. I wore a fanny pack all around Busch Gardens at the beginning of June and hated it! But this crossbody bag (similar to this one) was amazing and didn't break my back. Win!
  • My bright yellow Yeti cup. My kids got me a large yeti cup meant for cold beverages for Mother's Day, and I have to tell you, I love it! It really does keep my Hint waters cold for a long time, and that helps me drink more water! Here's the one I have.
  • Hint Water! Have you tried this stuff? As far as I'm concerned, it's perfection in a bottle. The only flavor I don't care for is lemon. Check them out!
  • My new CSB journaling Bible. I am taking a note from my friend Jennifer Dukes Lee, and learning how to create a Legacy Bible for my rising senior. Click here to learn more about it.

The Invocational Prayer
Start your month off in prayerful way with the prayer for July. Click here to read it now.
Brooke McGlothlin

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