Hi First name / there,
I spent a lot of last weekend moping around and in shock. (I think we all did after the overturning of Roe v Wade.) 
I'm almost embarrassed to admit that up until they announced it, I was convinced there would be some sort of Hail Mary move that wouldn't allow this to happen.
Then came Monday where I was scheduled for my both my daughter's Pre-K graduation and ballet recital. I was overcome with a lot of emotions – some about the speed that time is passing – but also sadness thinking of how she'll grow up with a lot less rights than I did.
This July 4th weekend, I'm following my own advice on last week's newsletter, How To Slow Down Time, and use it to move myself forward because as a parent of young kids, there's simply no choice.
I'm putting one foot in front of the other, and using some of my good ol' self care tricks to balance the feeling of betrayal and defeat:
  • Stepping AWAY from my phone.
  • Getting outside in nature.  I’ve been talking long walks, and even some of my coaching calls while walking, which leads me to…
  • Move my body.  My mental health is always linked to the brain chemicals I get from exercising so I make sure to weave exercise into my routine.
  • Spending time with friends. It's so important to have close circles in good times and bad, and if there's one thing I'm good at, it's keeping my circles close.
Right now is the time both for self-care and taking action to try and make things right. There is room to do both / and - not just one or the other. 
For our daughters,
xx, Leah
PS. I know it's a tough time to be a mom and a human.
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I’m a life and business coach for women who are ready to take action and get themselves from point A to point B. Clients have described me as a perfect mix between mom hug and tough love! Ready to jump in? Schedule a discovery call with me here.