The Conlectio Newsletter
He Will Be Faithful Again
Dear friends,
We moved to Pennsylvania from Virginia when I was 37 weeks pregnant with Adeline. Some of you have heard this story - how Addie was born 5 days later in a previously unplanned home birth, with a sweet Mennonite midwife - the only practitioner who would take me so last minute (I still thank God for Shirley!).
We moved to Michigan a year later for a job with better hours, so Josh wouldn't be gone all the time. Josh was laid off from that job only nine months later - when I was 7 months pregnant with Eva. I remember the rock in my stomach as his car pulled in the driveway only two hours after leaving. I knew right away what had happened. I knew, because when I was eighteen years old the Lord revealed to me, in my fledgling walk with Him, that my future husband would one day lose his job and I would have to be ready for it. It was odd thing, Him telling me that so young. But it stayed with me. So the day it happened, there was a rock in my stomach. But there was also an overwhelming peace. 
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That was the beginning of Every Woman a Theologian. Years of writing, years of quietly sharing thoughts on the internet, years of meeting many of YOU in comments. The month Josh lost his job, I uploaded a PDF ebook of Christian Cosmo, a compilation of all my work on biblical sexuality. I priced it at $10 even though people told me to price it higher. “I want the girls who need it to afford it,” I told Josh. But I was scared. We needed the money.
That ebook paid our bills for the next two months. It opened the door for more ebooks. It brought us Eric, our creative director, who inspired a real library of books and products to equip families to know what they believe and why they believe it.
And then it happened again. I was pregnant.  Josh's job put our family in jeopardy. I can't share details here out of respect for the people involved, but suffice it to say that my husband had to leave his job - not because he wanted to, not because there was better out there, not because he was discontent or bad at his work. I laid in bed with three months to my due date, tears streaming down both sides of my face. What are we going to do?
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When our five-year plan became the right-now plan, instead of looking forward, I looked back.
All those years ago, God was faithful to bring us an apartment, a midwife, and a church within a week of arriving Pennsylvania.
All those years ago, God was faithful to provide for us when Josh was laid off.
All those years ago, God was faithful to take care of us through the hands and feet of our local friends when I broke my leg, had surgery and was in a wheelchair for two months.
All those years ago, God was faithful to miraculously sell our house in town and bring us Willows Bend Farm, where there would be buildings for the future EWAT warehouse we didn't know we would need.
All those years ago… time and time again.
People question whether it's worth it to pray or follow God if your circumstances don't change. But our trust is not in changed circumstances. Jesus PROMISED we would suffer: “In this world, you will have trouble - but take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) 
Our trust, then, is not in what God DOES but who God IS.
God is faithful. His faithfulness is what I fix my eyes upon, my heart upon, my will upon.
As we walk through a new season that is difficult in different ways, instead of looking down (fear) or forward (anxiety) or to the right and left (comparison) - I look back. God was faithful. He has not changed. No one else is responsible to save me out of this situation, to make me feel better about it, or to equip me for it. I am centered in His faithfulness, and anything else I get from anyone else is just whipped cream on top.
The contentment and strength and rejoicing are found here, in the overcoming faithfulness of God.

 Warehouse Sale 8/2-8/4
Coming the first week of August is our annual warehouse sale! We will be clearing out items from previous Every Woman a Theologian collections as we prepare for September's launch. Stay tuned!
In the Know
  • Verity Podcast has been on hiatus for a few months because I have been under deadline for a [massive] manuscript and traveling for my spring speaking season. But don't worry - it will be back soon! In the meantime, we have 75 episodes you can back-listen to!
  • We have a launch date for my new traditionally published book - February 2023! If you liked Stop Calling Me Beautiful (my first trade book) I think you'll love this new one. AND… there will be an 8-week video session bible study to go with it!
  • Will you be at SheSpeaks next week? I will be joining the Proverbs31 Ministries team to speak at this event for Christian writers, speakers and teachers. I am so honored to join everyone and learn from the sessions with you!
  • I was honored to be on the Risen Motherhood podcast a few weeks ago talking about “being a problem solver”. So much of my life is dictated by this idea! Grateful to Laura and Emily for having me on (and don't miss this awesome podcast FULL of interviews and encouraging content, or their book - Risen Motherhood). 
What I'm [Still] Reading
  • Deep Work by Cal Newport: After my friends Lisa and Laura both recommended this to me, it's my audio book this week. I was worried listening to this would make me discontent with my season (I have to be able to work with lots of noise and interruption) but instead it has showed me where I have not disciplined my mind and habits for effective work. I've been making changes already!
  • Call of the Wild and Free: This is a homeschooling book but the principles would apply to all families. I am not an unschooler (we classically educate) but there are still things to be gleaned from it, so it's another one of my audiobooks.
  • Firekeepers Daughter: This is my novel for bedtime. I am excited for it because it is set here in northern Michigan and focuses on the Native population in our area of the country.
  • The Brave Learner by Julie Bogart: You've seen this on my reading list for the last six months! That's because I pick it up and put it down. Every time I read it, I love it more. It is SO full of ideas for giving your kids a vibrant education I have to consume it in short bursts.
What I'm Loving
  • We had the best time with Drew & Andrew from Lion and Bear Band when they came to visit us last week! Drew and I met through Instagram and the band was in Michigan (originally from San Diego) to perform at Big Ticket Festival. Check out their song Held By Your Love - it is just what I needed in our season.
  • Our Theologian leather keychain is a product we launched in one of our very first EWAT shops, and we brought I back this spring! My own keychain is well used and loved. We partner with Empowered Goods, who pays fair wages to families in Mexico so they can provide for their families. 21 in stock
  • These floral earrings. My jewelry of choice is always earrings - I love the size and weight of these. 
  • These cassava flour waffles are what we made for Drew & Andrew's visit. I'd never made them before - and while a little bit dense, they are a great gluten free option! We served them with fresh strawberry puree and whipped cream.
  • Jill Atogwe's capsule wardrobe blog posts. I never miss them!
Around the Christian World
In Our Homeschool
We played hometown tourist during my MIL's visit! We went out to eat at our favorite local restaurant, Tap30, grabbed Murdick's ice cream and walked the break wall. Try playing “tourist” in your own hometown - it's a blast!
  • I grabbed a Moana matching game from a thrift store recently as well as a vintage Jenga set. Between these and giant dominoes my sister gave us, we've enjoyed playing games in the evening!
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On the Farm
  • After a long struggle with cold evenings, my garden is finally gaining some traction. I am currently planning for a fall planting to make up for our late start - the rose schafers destroyed my beets!
  • We're making a lot of kombucha lately - blueberry vanilla and ginger turmeric are some recent favorites, as well as brown sugar cinnamon!
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  • Inspired by Half Baked Harvest's cookbook, I did a spin-off of one of her recipes. Using her beer-based pizza dough recipe, I made a white cheddar, pico de Gallo, apple and arugula pizza. It was delicious!
  • I now have a full dozen tomato plants growing in the old pig pen with no help from me - who knew??!
for the awakening, 

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