I didn't wake up one day with the grand idea of owning my own business - truth be told, that was never a part of the plan. I didn't think I was made for self-employment. That I didn't have enough business knowledge, design skills or grit.
I was forced to make the decision to either go back to sadly job-hunting for designer positions on indeed, or try my hand at this small biz stuff a few months after Hazel was born.
I was working as a remote designer for a few years, where every spring I started to expect a phone call saying my job was changing. That I was moving to part-time, then contractor without benefits or any clue what my income was going to be that month.
I saw that security slowly fade until one day it was gone. Time to pivot.
I remember staying up every single night for a week, rocking and feeding Hazel between building pages to my website. I had John take a few photos of me to use for web + social, and I started to shyly tell people I was starting to offer branding services. I, in no way, marketed myself - and that's my biggest regret.
Who knows where I'd be if I had started 10 months earlier.
So, if I can offer you ANY advice in this email - it's to START TODAY.