I'm shaking things up this month!
I joined Instagram 10 years ago, and over the years, I've posted to it almost daily for photography, Etsy shops, art, and my personal life.
It started out fun, and visually creative, and a great way to connect, but over time, soaked up more and more of my mental and creative energy than I ever intended.
Inspired by my friend Jen doing this for the month of July, I decided to stop posting to my feed. Earlier this week, I posted 9 squares giving an overview of what I'm all about. I'm letting it be for the month of August, and I'll revisit how I feel about it in September!
3 bigger reasons I decided to do this now:
1. There are only 3 weeks left to summer before both my kids go back to school - Lily to middle school, and Andrew starting Kindergarten. I want to maximize my time with them.
2. Instagram is constantly changing the algorithm and functions as it struggles to figure out it's purpose among other social media platforms. As a woman trying to nourish my creativity and make and sell my art so I can feed and shelter my family…I can't keep up. I need a break.
3. I want to pour every bit of my creative energy into painting, writing, and making great educational, entertaining, and empowering content for YouTube and the podcast. I can't do that if I'm spending half the day trying to make an Instagram reel.
So, I'm strategically removing some eggs from the social media baskets, putting them back in my own basket, and seeing what hatches.
I'm excited to see what grows from this time. And I encourage you to take a look at where your time and energy goes, and let go of anything that isn't serving your needs and moving you forward!
And if I haven't said it recently, thank you for being here! I'm grateful for you, that you've chosen to be part of this space. It means the world to me.
Wherever you are, have a beautiful week!

"Go a little out of your depth, and when you don't feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you're just about in the right place to do something exciting.”

Hi, I'm Shannon!
I’m a contemporary fine art painter based in Connecticut, creating colorful, abstract and expressive paintings that most often reflect my love of nature and growing up in New England.
Most days, you’ll find me painting at home, making educational art, business, and creative living videos on YouTube, and exploring a variety of topics on the Creative Happy Life Podcast.

The latest on Instagram