Hi there! welcome to my weekly (or maybe twice a month, don’t hold me to it! Adulting isn't easy!) email where I keep you updated on allll the business tips, tax tips, and growth tips. That's right: the good, the bad, and the absolutely drop dead you-can't-miss-this gorgeous!

If you’re reading this email right now that means you like me, you really like me! But actually though, you checked that little “yes, please send me updates” box, and WOW am I grateful. You want to keep a pulse on where I’m at and what I have to say? *cue the happy tears*


In all seriousness, I’m grateful you’re here on this crazy wild ride with me and I’m so excited to have a medium to share all the ups and downs, tips and tricks, sad times, good times, successes and failures.


No, I don’t expect you to read every single one I send out. Yes, there will be a graded quiz. NO THERE WON’T! WHAT?!

I'm so glad
you're out there.
I can't wait to start sharing it all with you.
The Team says hello!

Whether you’re lying in bed late at night accidentally dropping your phone on your face (sorry about that), stuck in an Uber in traffic (thoughts n’ prayers), bored in the bathroom (we all do it right?), or deleting this thing every time in lands in your inbox (you could just unsubscribe ya know…), I’m so glad to know you’re out there!


You’re the best crew I could ask for and I can’t wait to start sharing with you! I'm so grateful you’re here on this crazy wild ride with me and I’m so excited to have a medium to share all the ups and downs, tips and tricks, sad times, good times, successes and failures.


Let's do this,
