Is it possible to find balance in your life?
Some say yes. Others say there’s no such thing. Personally, I think balance isn’t something we find, it’s something we create.
And we all have the power to create it.
Here are 5 ways you can create a little more balance in your life this week.
The good news about creating a balanced life? There are no rules! We all have a different definition of what ‘balanced’ means. And what works for some won’t work for others. Identify what ‘balanced’ means to YOU and it’ll be so much easier for you to take the steps to make it happen.
So…what does a ‘balanced’ life look like for you?
#2. Set your priorities
What are the most important things in your life? And which tasks, activities and people matter to you most? If you’re not giving the things that matter the attention they deserve, life will very quickly start to feel out of whack.
Restore balance to your life by identifying your top priorities and making time for them each week.
#3. Be mindful of how you spend your time
Consider all the ways you genuinely waste time. Whether it’s scrolling on your phone, watching boxsets on Netflix, window shopping or something else, the more time you can find in your life to apply to the things that matter, the more balanced your life will feel.
#4. Fill your cup too
I know it’s tempting to bump time for you to the bottom of the list for the sake of getting one more load of laundry done (I’ve done this waaaay too many times!), but filling your cup too makes everything else feel more balanced.
When you’ve given yourself time to rest and recharge not only do you have more energy to take care of everyone else but you’ll find it easier to deal with whatever life throws your way too.
How can you add your own wellbeing to your list of priorities this week?
#5. make sure your expectations are realistic
One of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to creating balance in their lives? Thinking that every area of their life has to be perfect all at the same time.
But that’s just not possible.
Why? Because life is full of seasons. Things change all.the.time. And sometimes, things don’t happen as planned. There will be good days and there will be bad days. And that’s okay.
Next time things feel a little off balance, ask yourself if your expectations are realistic and if they’re not, it might be time to adjust them a little.