Hey First name / babe,
Yesterday I recorded a guest episode on my podcast, Ironically Serious, with online educator and coach, Jessica Hawks.
And we started diving into a topic I feel needs to be discussed more; not just in the online business space, but online as a whole. 
The topic? How we use social media 👀
If you're an online business owner or entrepreneur, you know social media is one of the most powerful marketing tools. Whether it's TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or Facebook, chances are you're using a combination of those to market your offers, services, and skills.
And here's the other thing we all know – it can be exhausting keeping up with changes, expectations, and ever-evolving ‘algorithm’ to use social media successfully.
Plus, if you're on these apps I can bet you spend more time than you'd like to admit scrolling, consuming, and partaking in the ‘expectations’ of how the online space interacts.
But I want to remind you something, First name / babe.
You are in control of how you let these social platforms influence you. 🗣
You are in control of the time you spend on social media.
You are in control of what you allow on your feed.
And ultimately, you are in control of how you want to use these platforms to grow your business or network. 
Jess and I discussed and agreed on something that I feel is often overlooked when it comes to social media and using these ‘tools' for your business 👇
You have the power to decide how you want to use these apps and what you do or do not want to partake in.
For example, let's say a big political event happens. A controversial topic is going viral. Anyone and everyone is ‘taking a stand’ on a certain subject matter: at the end of the day, YOU have the choice to speak up or to hold your peace. 
Not every opinion, or belief, or thought, or idea needs to be discussed on social media. You don't actually have to share personal things online if you don't want to. But if you do, that's ok too.
What matters is that you're using these platforms in a way that's conducive to you and your goals, you're allowing space for the things that keep your mental health solid, and you're being realistic in what works for you in taking part of the online space. 
Remember that social media is truly a tool - it is not the only option or only way you can become successful. So do what feels right for you, and forget about what everyone else thinks is the ‘norm.’ 
If you're struggling with social media and how to set healthy boundaries around app use and content consumption, here are a few tips I've learned in my 10+ years of marketing myself and other brands on social media:
1. Set the right boundaries and stick with them.
If you find yourself getting sucked into the apps or falling into comparison, imposter syndrome, or analysis paralysis over the abundance of content you're seeing online, set boundaries of when you're on these apps and what you're doing on these apps. 
If that looks like 30 minutes a day answering DMs and interacting on stories. Set that bondary and stick with it. If scrolling for an hour or two inspires you to create your own content, that's great too. If you love consuming on TikTok but only use Instagram for relationships/networking, awesome. The point is: figure out what your social media limits are, set the boundary, and hold yourself accountable.
2. You have permission to hit the ‘unfollow’ button.
Harsh truth: following a friend, peer, client, or someone you've never interacted with doesn't meant you are obliged to continue following them. Your feed is intimate, it's personal, and what you allow into your feed will affect/influence you. If someone is causing you to feel bad energy, think negative thoughts, or challenging your mental health, UNFOLLOW SIS. 
Allow into your feed what benefits you. Ask yourself; is this profile/creator/content inspiring me or is it making me feel bad about myself? Does seeing this person on my feed encourage me or is it me spiraling into comparison? It's OK to unfollow if someone's presence (even if their intentions are good) is causing you negativity in any way, shape, or form. You are not obligated to follow anyone – even your mother 🙃
3. Learn to filter through the noise.
If you haven't already noticed, social media gives everyone a sense of entitlement. Everyone has a strategy. Everyone has an opinion. Everyone broadcasts their feelings, and thoughts, and experiences onto these apps online. For me, I know it can feel overwhelming AF trying to decipher what's true, what's ‘good strategy’ and what is truly just an opinion. 
Learn to filter through this and remind yourself that you don't have to try every business strategy someone has coined as “right.” You don't have to have a strong opinion on every subject matter. And especially as a business owner, you don't have to speak up on things you don't have all the answers to.
I hope you take these tips and run with them, and learn to enjoy these platforms for what they're meant for: education, socialization, and inspiration. 🖤

Show yourself some love today, First name / babe.
you've earned it.
As always,