August & SEPTEMBER 2022
Lindy Flanigan Health Coaching & Personal Training
Lindy is a wife, mother of 3, personal trainer and health coach. She wears many hats throughout the day. No matter which hat she's wearing — mom, wife, trainer or health coach, her goal is simple: to use her knowledge and experience to empower her clients to take their health into their own hands, and SUCCEED in their goals with her help, support & accountability. If you're in the market for a personal trainer or health coach — she's your gal. Check out her website launching THIS MONTH!
Graze All Day LLC
Lisa & Kyle reached out to me this summer to collaborate on a website for Lisa's incredible charcuterie business. They had a vision & over the last few months, we're watching it all come to life! Stay tuned as we prepare to launch her website in a FEW DAYS!
Monthly Retainers
Looking for a cost-effective way to keep your website up-to-date, organize your digital galleries & files, provide a digital audit of your current practices, create social media content & calendars… or simply outsource some of the things you've been pushing to the back of your to-do list? This is the option for you. There are no hidden fees or contracts. A 3 month commitment is encouraged, but not required. To see all offerings & packages, click the link below. Only ONE spot left for 2022
August & September Personal Review
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A BIG personal update—
At the beginning of August, after nine years, Henry proposed! It was a magical afternoon & we have been enjoying all the fun that goes into wedding planning. 
That being said… send me the best wedding planning or marriage advice you've ever received & I'll send a few of you a gift card for coffee! 
We are coming up on a year in our home. The projects never seem to end! This was a recent highlight… a functioning sink in our laundry room! We loved getting to decorate the porch for fall. 
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We spent Labor Day Weekend @ the lake. Ruby was a big fan!
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Took a quick trip to celebrate our engagement & prepare for a busy work season ahead! 
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Had a blast watching some college football! 
Enjoyed a night out @ the K3 YMCA Dinner Auction — we had so much fun & we came home with a beautiful hydrangea tree! 

It has been a busy season of life with so many neat projects, exciting memories, new adventures & amazing people. I feel immensely grateful.
So, whether you're a client, a friend or a distant supporter — thank you. I appreciate every reply, “like” on social media, email subscriber, Google review, encouraging message — you are all the best.
— Olivia