Commit to finding out what a meaningful life means to you 
Dear First name / friend
For the next four weeks we will be exploring ways to discover what we want our lives to feel like and learning how to take concrete practical steps to bring those feelings into our everyday lives.
It is a chance to commit to finding out what a meaningful life means to you and then deciding how to incorporate those feelings into your normal life, bit by bit, day by day.  
All too often we put off making changes because life doesn't feel ‘ready enough’, we are too busy, too strapped for cash, too overwhelmed.  It is very easy to put things on hold, waiting for some miraculous change to come along.
I hate to bear bad news, but those changes are never going to happen without you deliberately making them.  We cannot simply drift into a slower way of life.
This week there are two exercises
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The first is a visualisation exercise.
Find a quarter of an hour where you can guarantee that you won't be disturbed, switch your phone notifications off, grab a pen and paper for making notes afterwards and settle down to listen.  
The visualisation is based on one that I personally do for relaxation and inspiration. The landscape you travel through in your mind is a one very meaningful to me - the tiny Island of Ulva off the West Coast of Mull in the Inner Hebrides, a very soulful place, the Island of Wolves.
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The second is a journalling exercise.
Drawing on the sense that you got of the home of your true self, along with anything else which may have been jogged in your mind as you did the visualisation, journal about your ideal life.
Don't hold back - there are no practical restrictions at this point in the process.  If you imagine yourself white water rafting or performing on a West End stage put that down, if you can see yourself beach combing on a deserted island or spinning your own wool put that down.
I have made you a prompt sheet which you can download here.
Next week we will be talking about the feelings at the heart of the life you have written about, how to identify them and how to bring them into your day to day life;
Until then, much love,
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P.S. Do let me know how you are getting on by tagging on Instagram and if you have any questions email me at
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& use the hashtags #awilderway and #aseasonalway