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Welcome To The Brew
A monthly newsletter where we share exclusive content about all things Long Beach Unity Inc. The Dancer In Me & Sistahs on Sacred Grounds.
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Hey First name / friend,

Welcome to the summer edition of The Brew. In this month's episode we will be sharing a few highlights from our summer programs and activities. But before we jump in we want to thank you for your support and generosity, it means a lot to us. Because of people like you, we get to continue to create wholesome experiences for our communities.
Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
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End Of Summer Tips
Counting down the days until school starts? Here are some ways to break through that dreaded end-of-summer wall and make it to September in one piece.
Consider throwing a party to celebrate the “end of summer” with a candlelight dinner, back to school shopping, a scavenger hunt to fill kids backpacks, a race to see who can get ready the fastest, or one last sleepover or swim party to kick off the new school year. Whatever “celebration” feels like for you and your family, take the time to make it happen. 
Help everyone prepare for the transition from summer to school schedule by having a back-to-school boot camp. The week before school starts, talk through the new schedule as a family and start gradually implementing your school schedule into your day. If your kids have been sleeping in, ease them back into a school day wake up time, and have them get ready in the morning for the day – get dressed, eat, breakfast, pack a lunch, etc. If everyone has been staying up late, bring back a bedtime routine to help prepare for the next day and get to sleep earlier. If screen time has been all day through summer, start to limit the screens a bit more each day. If you can, adjust to your fall sleep routine a week or two before the season starts. Falling asleep and waking up at regular times does wonders for our mood and general health. Typically with the turn of the season, we can add things to our weekly schedules that may impact our sleep routine. Keeping it regular and adjusting to it in advance can be a helpful way to weather the changes well.
Use mealtimes to check in with how everyone is feeling. “What were your highlights of the summer?” “What were you most grateful for this season?” “How are our family ethics and desires going to play out this fall?” “What will be new?” “What will be the same?” “What are you looking forward to, and what are you nervous about?” Help everyone work through anxiety by setting some personal goals for the first week and the first semester; write them out and post them somewhere you can all see as a reminder so you can support each other.  
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1.LBUF Team Spotlight
Mori Edwards is Co-Leader of the LBUF Revive Adult Activities Program in collaboration with COR CDC at LBUF's hub site at the Northpointe Apartment Complex.Revive focuses on serving the holistic needs of adults aged 55 and up in the areas of artistic, mental, & physical wellness. Mori's vibrant personality and vast technical background in dance, fitness, and caring for seasoned individuals makes her a wonderful addition to the LBUF team.
2.LBUF Eagles Basket Ball Team Games
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The LBUF Northpoint Eagles have had a few games this season. 
We are super proud of their grit and tenacity on and off the court. 
3.Sky Kids Dance Camp
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This year's Sky Kids Dance Camp included, dance, drama and special guest instructors at the Northpointe Empowerment Centre. The camp also featured a special parent night and Sky Kids showcase.
4.Revive Seniors Program
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Our Revive Seniors program is dedicated to improving the holistic well-being of the seniors in our community. Some of our program activities include, floral arrangement, scrapbooking & crafting. 
5.Sistahs On Sacred Grounds
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Season 2 of Sistahs on Sacred Grounds ended with a bang on CVM television in Jamaica in July. We want to thank you all for your support  and for watching the episodes weekly. Stay tuned to the Sistahs on Sacred Grounds Youtube page for our upcoming Watch Party for some of your best episodes from Season 2. 
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6. Community Planning Meetings
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And finally, we are extremely grateful for everyone who have been participating in our monthly Community Planning Meetings. We're building momentum and can't wait to share more about our plans with you in the coming weeks.

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Your Donation Will Make A Difference! 
With your donation we will be able to reach children at an earlier age with quality arts education and technical training that builds momentum & passion for the Arts, and assists in providing opportunities/resources to low-income families with gifted children. 
Thank you for 
your support and for following our journey,
with love
Team Long Beach Unity Festival