Renewal        strength          courage
Big Leo Energy
“I possess the courageous soul that dares and defies”
There is healing that is taking place. I am fully supporting myself in the process but also honoring my need to take a break. 
Through it all I appreciate who & where I am right now.
They say Life is a journey but my question is “Where are we going”? I could ask that same question in regards to my healing journey. Perhaps, it's all a matter of perspective. If you believe that there is  a finish line in healing,  I will not race you there but please do keep me posted on how that works out for you.
The journey is HOME.
The journey is HERE & NOW.
Allowing yourself to go through a process of rest & renewal
Activating your super power of transmutation & alchemy through every moment, every experience.

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photoby: @spiritdaughter

Woman in Bloom
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Meet Hope a woman beyond words. I instantly felt contained in a box trying to describe her but 
Intuitive, Heart centered & Embodied 
are the words that traced my heart as I typed Hope's responses with feelings of laughter & sentiment.

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To give my mind a break.
I  felt like no matter how much journaling I did , how many youtube videos I watched,  how many  self-help books I've read. Nothing was sticking. 
It wasn't until I  dived deeper into my meditation practice, & received the download that  I need to 
in the things i'm journaling about, looking at on youtube, & reading about. 
I have given my mind a break, establishing that I have the power to decide when to work with my mind & when it's being trivial focusing only on the illusion of fears & problems.

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photo by: @deltavenus
“What is embodiment?" 
Embodiment is the integration that takes place between the body and the mind. It is when  thoughts, & feeling become recognized expressions in the body.  The problem is that most of us live strictly in our heads, due to past conditioning, unreleased trauma etc; only paying attention to what the mind has to say but never checking in if the body agrees. So we end up embodying (acting out)  things such as fear, anxiety.
“How can I move to a space of embodiment when I feel so  disconnected from my body?”
You can start with holistic practices. Mind-body practices have been my main focus this includes emotional 
and spiritual  
stimulation to help relax the body and the mind. I believe when the body and mind are in alignment you have access to the feeling of being grounded,  no worries, no fear, certainty in uncertainty, the flow state, your connection to oneness. When you are grounded your super powers are out of this world!!!!
Through this I've learned to really feel the feels. I now know that I am a very emotional person, I typically go through a full range of emotions in one day and I do not beat myself up for that anymore. I observe the thoughts that create those feelings and sometime it's absolutely necessary for me to lean into them & I do. I rub my hands (like you'd rub a kid who just hurt themselves) giving my body the signal that “everything is ok”. When I don't entertain the incessant thoughts I toss them out like a banana peel haha. As far as movement, I've been doing a lot of yoga, deep stretching, and dancing my ass off.  Allowing my body to move organically  like water, even practicing belly dancing. So when you see me doing all that just cheer me on haha. Lastly, when I identify too much with the world I am disconnected from my source. I gain discernment by inviting meditation into every part of my day & observing the stillness of nature because I am committed to stillness.
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photoby: @quotesbychristie
As the atmosphere of summer slowly transitions into fall, I can't help but to feel grateful for all the love and support you've given me thus far. This newsletter was filled with magnetic energy, good vibes, & beautiful people with amazing voices. None of it would be possible,  without you.
Well… would have very much been possible but sharing this space with others was my truest intention. By connecting with you all, I formed a deeper connection with myself. 
We heal others by embodying our own healing. 
As my intuition grows, I know where I'm headed, What I want, & Who I am.
a transformer, a visionary, an alchemist & a nuturer.
Waves of the ocean when I cry
The sun at the peak of the day when I live in my true essence
Wind blowing through leaves when I laugh
Ever changing like the phases of the moon
As I say farewell to  the name “Watered Woman Collective” I move forward knowing that it was a stepping stone for what's next. 
 After all, ain't nothing like a summer fling.* tongue out emoji*
We are all a work in process, & I think that is a beautiful acknowledgment.
When I relaunch with offerings , what I create will be catered to grounding the collective into the energy of always staying rooted within.
We are the healers we've been waiting for.
Thank you for 
following my journey,
the deepest of my love