Back to School Favorites
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Heading back to school is a very special time…and it seems to be getting earlier and earlier each year.   Even though it is months from New Year’s Day, heading back to school is like a reset of the year.  And it is definitely a reset of the calendar. 
For students, it is a fresh start—the proverbial clean slate. Back to school means a new school year, new teachers, a few new classmates, new pencils, new notebooks, and maybe even a new backpack.  The days of sleeping a little later and staying up a little later are over.  Heading back to school is an abrupt halt to the lazy, hazy days of summer, and that feeling like every day is a Saturday.  For parents, it is most assuredly “crunch time” where schedules and organization are a must—and every effort is to make every minute count and avoid chaos.  For teachers, who are probably feeling like there was no summer vacation, it is a hard reset. The classrooms must be ready, the lesson plans must be in order, and the alarm buzzing well before dawn is a reality.
But, still, there’s something nostalgic about it all.  Who doesn’t love to go back-to-school shopping and picking out the first-day-of-school outfit? (All mothers and daughters know that struggle!) Who doesn’t feel that rush of excitement the night before the first day of school each year? Who doesn’t love the hustle and bustle of each day?  Drop off, pick up, bus routes, fresh new crayons and sharpened pencils, mounds of paperwork for Mom and Dad: it is all part of it!  Overwhelmed by it all?
First, let’s get that lunch all packed and ready to go.  In the Curious Kitchen Pimento Cheese is a wonderful choice for sandwiches.  It is a true Southern favorite, and a true throwback to the lunches our Mom’s packed for us in the 1970s.  The fresh cheddar and delicious creaminess is sure to be a big hit.  Get creative…use pimento cheese in tortilla roll-ups, pack it as a dip for carrots and celery sticks. Do you live in the Northern Kentucky/Greater Cincinnati area? You can find In the Curious Kitchen Pimento Cheese in at Jungle Jim's, ETC Produce, The Party Source, The Farmers Collective, Taste on Elm and always on our website.  Or make your children a special treat and bake some Two Tree Cookies
Parents and teachers are you too busy to cook? For easy weeknight dinners, head over to In the Curious Kitchen’s website and check out some time-saving, delightful, soon-to-be family favorites.  Set up a Korean Beef Bar and let everyone dig in or use Braised Pork Shoulder for an extra-special taco bar! 
Of course, do not forget to treat yourself!  After the homework is finished, the bedtime stories are read, and the children are fast asleep enjoy a few relaxing quiet moments with one of our fabulous cocktails. There are quite a few libation recipes on the website. 
So here’s to the new school year and all of the exciting possibilities. Cheers!

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