You probably noticed that Colectiva has been brutally rebranded. This is probably because I've been going through a brutal rebranding myself after spending a month meditating and living with Swamis, sleeping by the Ganga river, and spending most of my day practicing yoga and studying the vedas.
I wrote a long entry about the Ashram, it's on my blog. The experience was one of the hardest and most beautiful of my life. I wrote about a couple of other things I learnt at the ashram but honestly: really fucking hard to materialize some thoughts, and I'm guessing that's how it should be?
I also spent two months without Instagram and Whatsapp. The dopamine detox was fascinating. I swear I forgot days do have 24 hours. I will write about it at some point, but for now I want to say: meditate. It will open up a whole new world for you.
I know this was a long ass issue, so if you made it all the way here you're a real one and I'm sending you a virtual kiss. And! I am feeling an overflowing gratitude for this community, thank you for reading Colectiva. Issue 10!!!!!!!
As you know, I always reply to your emails AND, I want to know your thoughts on the rebrand. PS, the blue color used throughout the issue is a product of my object of meditation: the ocean.