Hi First name / hi,
Two points to note, in case you don't have time to read this lengthy newsletter!
  1. The price of the Book Launch Club is going up to £450 from Tuesday. Sign up now if you'd like to get it at its current price.
  2. I am offering 3 Pay What You Can Places. You can sign up for one of those here.
Now on to the rest of the email…
I know I'm meant to be all good vibes only! during a launch period, because people like to buy from people who are upbeat and excited about the thing they are selling. And I AM EXCITED about this thing - I think it might be the best thing I've ever worked on, and I think every time I run it, it's going to get better.
There's a lot I'm feeling anxious about right now, and in the spirit of this being a behind-the-scenes newsletter, I thought I would share what's going through my thoughts right now.
My energy bills are now thankfully frozen for a little while (albeit still double what they were a year ago), so that worry is temporarily eased, but everything else is still going up. We've had a new Prime Minister and lost our Queen in the space of a few days. People are confused. Some are mourning. 
These are uncertain times.
It's tough to promote something right now. If you have a book out now, you might be feeling it, too. And yet, for those of us who work for ourselves (authors included), we need to keep going. We need to earn an income and we need to tell people about what we do and how we can help.
Here are some of the other things I am doing (and some suggestions for you, too, if it's something you've been thinking of):
  • Continuing to offer a lot of stuff for free. Between things like the free workshop on marketing foundations (which you can still access at that link, and which has a lot of actionable information in there, it isn't just a substance-free webinar), and the Facebook group I run with Sam Missingham, I try to be as helpful as I can be without charging people a penny. This has a double benefit, as it lets people see my style and the kinds of things I talk about. What can you offer people for free, which shows off how great your writing is?
  • Increasing the price of The Book Launch Club. This is a bit unusual to do mid-launch, but I think it has to be done. A) because prices for everything have gone up so much around me since I set that price back in June, but also b) because I think I've been undercharging. With the kind of transformations people have had with their marketing and the amount of personal feedback I've been giving over the past 3 months, I've realised that this programme is worth a lot more than what I've been charging. So, as of Tuesday, the price will be going up from £300 to £450. Grab it now if you want to sign up at the lower price. Is there something you should be charging more for? A perennial seller you could increase the price of by 50%? 
  • Offering Pay What You Can places. Charging more also allows me to offer Pay What You Can Places. If you've been thinking about signing up, and are genuinely concerned about how it would affect your ability to pay your bills, there are now 3 PWYC spots available. There are no questions asked, and they will be ‘sold' on a first-come, first-served basis, so if you would like one, please sign up for one here. (Please note that if this link doesn't work, it's because the places have been taken) Books aren't often sold on a PWYC basis, but could you do limited signed copies sold through your website for a PWYC price, or run a price promotion on your book on Amazon?  
  • Just keep swimming. There is a week left of this promotional period. For courses and workshops, people often sign up at the very last minute, so it's super important for me to keep on going. And that's what I plan to do. Keep talking about it, keep trying new ideas, keep going for it. Not everything does well! I might not hit my ideal sales targets! But at least I'll know I've give it a really good shot and that I didn't sabotage myself by pulling out early. You are allowed to promote your book, even during uncertain times. Think about how you want to show up right now, and what would make promoting your book feel better to you. 
I would love to know - how do you feel the current world events are affecting what you do? Worried about it? Doing well regardless (or because of it)? Drop me a note and let me know!
PS: I know I am showing up in your inbox more than usual. Thank you for letting me into your space. Once the launch is over you'll be back to your regularly scheduled fortnightly(ish) emails x

Things I've enjoyed lately
Disclosure first up: anything with a star means there is an affilliate link. It doesn't change what I recommend, or how much you pay for it, but I get tuppence ha'penny if you purchase via the link. 
  • The One That Got Away*. I have loved Charlotte Duckworth's books ever since I worked with her on her first book, The Rival. Her next book is something completely different, with a new pseudonym to go along with it - Charlotte Rixon. About first love and how the mistakes we make when we're younger can follow us throughout our lives. A lovely story.
  • The Ex Hex* (currently 99p). I mean. Ridiculous. But very fun and I can see why TikTok is having such a fun time with this book.
  • That's IT. I've finished the TV series I was watching (and binge watched Selling the OC), so am in a bit of a Netflix slump. Instead I've been spending a lot of time journalling in the evenings, which I find super useful when I'm in a launch. I wrote about why journalling helps me in my life and business here.
What have you been reading / watching / enjoying lately? Send me good books and interesting links, please! 

Ways to work together
The Book (Launch) Club is open for September enrollment! If you want clarity, support, community and want to take action on your marketing plans, this is for you! 3 months of workshops, co-working, community and support for me. 
I am currently taking bookings from October onwards. Find out all the ways we can work together here.


Items marked with an asterix are affilliate links. This means that if you make a purchase via this link I will earn a few pennies. I only ever recommend products I truly believe in. Items marked with two asterixes have also been gifted, usually by mates of mine in publishing, not because I'm some super influencer.