Dear friends,
This volume of Season's Greetings marks one year of writing this newsletter!
As I reflect upon the past twelve months, it occurs to me that perhaps I should have - at some point - prefaced this endeavor by answering the question:
why should we observe the church year?
Ah, well. No time like the present!
The short answer is: because it's a simple and concrete way to follow Jesus and be formed into his image.
The structure of the liturgical year invites us to annually re-live God's great story. As we do, the lived gospel shapes us, giving us definition and depth, containing our beginning and our end, and informing how we live in the in-between.
Intentionally living into the annual rhythms of the church year is an excellent way to experience the life of Christ in new and fresh ways, making his work alive to ourselves, our families, and our communities each year. This way of experiencing time allows us to tailor our life to our faith, rather than jamming our faith into our life. Christ becomes the center of our calendar, and our lives are formed by and with and in him.
This Cycle of Grace is best enjoyed in community, so thank you for journeying with me. Cheers to another year!