A note on courage...
I have never been particularly brave. 
In fact, I've lived much of my life in the grip of fear. Fear of making mistakes. Fear of not being good enough. Fear of what other people think of me. Fear of what God thinks of me. 
I've had flashes of courage here and there. There have been several times when I stood to sing and the music flowed from deep inside like a river of joy spilling its banks. It's a magical feeling and rare, but when it happens there's nothing like it. 
This past weekend, I stood before an image of Van Gogh's “Wheat Field with Crows” and read his words, “What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?”
What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?
My thoughts went at first to the courage it takes to share art or words with the world. Courage to face failure and ridicule by people who might not understand what you're trying to do or say. 
But then I thought of dear Vincent's life.
Had he been born in our day, things would likely have turned out very different for him. The epilepsy that plagued him and his struggles with mental illness could both have been assisted with medication and therapy. The anonymity of his work as an artist could have been solved with a social media account. 
But then, would we have the beautiful paintings we do today if things had been different? If he hadn't struggled so with the darkness in his mind, would he have tried so hard to capture the beauty of a night sky and the glimmer of candlelight shining from village windows? If life had been easier, would he have taken the time to capture every detail of a flower bouquet or wander the countryside looking for inspiration? 
I thought of the immense courage it must have taken him to get out of bed and pick up his brushes and try again day after day after day. I wish I could give him a hug or write him a letter and tell him how grateful I am that he kept trying, kept fighting back the demons, to focus on the beauty all around him. 
I can't write to Vincent, but I can write to you and tell you that I hope you will keep getting out of bed and fighting for what you believe in and wrestling to bring beauty into the world. I pray you will talk to the therapist, take the medication, go for the walk in the woods, make time for prayer and Scripture. I hope you will continue to fight the good fight for I know in doing so your Heavenly Father is smiling and cheering you on. As am I.
I don't know what you might be afraid of today, but I encourage you to spend time journaling and reframing any thoughts that might try to keep you small and cowering in a prison of fear. The world needs you to be your creative, unique self. We need the beauty of your smile, your words, your art. We need you. 
In the words of C.S. Lewis…
Courage, Dear Heart,
PS - In case you missed them, here are two posts from my blog on similar veins of thought…
PPS - Are you a fan of Van Gogh? Starry Night is my favorite painting. I'm sure that makes me an art toddler. Some day I might fall in love with some obscure painter and feel like I finally fit in with the art history majors, but today is not that day. If you'd like to reply to this email, I'd love to know…Who's your favorite artist or work? Send pictures if you have them. 
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