💥  New Workshop Announcement  💥
Coming from an Industrial Engineering background and having acquired an excellent experience in Six Sigma projects in an international Telecom company, I learned how to catch defects in processes and improve them. It was one of my favorite parts of my job. 
Likewise, I enjoy noticing friction points in my day-day life and solving them.
What do I mean by friction points?
A friction point is anything that gets in the way of your good habits, no matter how big or ridiculously trivial it is.
Studying and teaching Atomic Habits, in my podcast, videos and private group training sessions, plus reading many habit books, helped me hone the skill of catching friction points even better.
Today I would like to share with you some examples of solutions I implemented to friction points I had personally faced, hoping they will inspire you.
Here we go:
😓Friction Point:
I want to walk during working hours, but I wear heels.
Bring running shoes with me and use them in breaks.
😓Friction Point:
I have a formal dress code, and nobody wears running shoes at work; it will be weird.
Buy comfortable all-black shoes suitable for walking and work like this one, keep them at work, and put them on for walks.
😓Friction Point:
Getting hungry at work, eating unhealthy food, and the hassle of ordering food:
  • If I’m ordering food from a small place nearby, I don’t like thinking about what to eat, making the call to order it, or paying cash on delivery.
  • If I’m ordering from an app, I don’t enjoy browsing to decide my meal; verifying my credit card using a one-time password; getting contacted by the delivery man to double-check the address or receiving my meal at varying times.
Automate the food ordering process by subscribing to a healthy meals delivery service where I pay monthly, order weekly, and get contacted by the driver daily at about the same time to receive my meal. Best health decision I made 20 months ago.
😓Friction Point:
Although I bring my homemade coffee to work every morning, I usually crave another coffee after lunch, the office is too small to have my own coffee station, ordering coffee is a hassle and my favorite coffee place is not nearby.
I magically found this instant drip coffee option from one of my favorite coffee places. I buy a 5-JD box of 10 packets once or twice a month.
😓Friction Point:
Forgetting my phone charger at home or the office.
Keep one at each place.
😓Friction Point:
Looking for stuff around the house, losing stuff, getting late asking about stuff.
Have less stuff, less clothes, less socks, less toys and less paper. To do that, I need to turn decluttering into a habit, not a yearly project, which is my current focus.
I am well aware that many of the friction points above sound like first-world problems, however, studying habits made me aware they stand in the way of my best self.  

Did this list remind you of friction points you too can act on 🤔?
Many times, the reason you are not committing to your habits is not that you’re not disciplined enough or too lazy. Instead, the habit is not easy enough, and that’s perfectly okay.
Embrace this simple law of habit change; MAKE IT EASY. You are not a high-maintenance person if you remove friction points. In fact, you are intentional about re-engineering your environment to improve your life.
As James Clear says:
“The less friction you face, the easier it is for your stronger self to emerge. The idea behind make it easy is not to only do easy things. The idea is to make it as easy as possible in the moment to do things that payoff in the long run.”
Find 🔍 the friction points, then solve them which is what I will help you learn to do in my upcoming workshop 🎉
After giving this training on habits 7 times last year with an amazing NGO and once to cool gym trainers, I tweaked and tuned the material to be ready for you!
During our three LIVE sessions on Zoom (replay available after), I’ll teach you:
  • Why habits are more important than goals (yes, you read that right).
  • Why it feels easier to adopt negative habits than positive ones.
  • Why willpower is unreliable when it comes to building new habits
  • What works instead in building new habits.
  • The habit components and how to analyze your habits accordingly.
  • The keys to building new positive habits.
  • The keys to winning over negative habits.
  • Tool to help you practice what you learn.
I will also provide you with the new design for the habit tracker based on using mine for more than a year and a workbook of exercises to help you embed the training material (both PDF) in addition to a text coaching group (Telegram or Whatsapp) for the whole month of September to follow up on you. 
All training material and content will be in Arabic Language.
I can't wait to see you on the inside! 
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Registration Closes on September 2nd  

Today is a special workshop edition of Sunday Spark, your usual 5 sparks will be back next Sunday.
I hope to see you inside the workshop😊 First name / my dear friend.

This is Sunday Spark issue #91!
Are you seeing it for the first time? here is the archive.
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Have a Brilliant Reset Week: 
September is the Other January 

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