Hey, Chain Breaker, Hey! 


  Chain Breaker Corner Presents: 
Meet a Chain Breaker University  Spring Cohort Queen:  
Kenda Morris
We had the chance to catch up with Chain Breaker Kenda! Kenda is a woman on the move. She is breaking chains, healing, and shaking up the real estate game!  
Here’s a little about Kenda:
"My name is Kenda Morris. I am a board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner with more than 20 years of nursing experience. Recently, I launched Lady Nephrology, a YouTube channel where I discuss topics related to kidney disease. My dream is to open a dialysis clinic eventually.
The most rewarding aspects of my life are my two children and grandson. I recently moved to Denver, Colorado, and founded Alluring Heights LLC, a fast-growing real estate investment firm in Chicago. My hobbies include international travel and reading, especially personal development books. I’m finishing my book, Beyond the Shame, in which I share my healing journey.
Being a member of CBU has helped me in my healing journey. The experience with Shannon and the ladies was life-changing.  I was able to identify narcissist abuse from a spiritual perspective and the broken parts in me that attracted the narcissist in my life. CBU helped me to learn how to set boundaries and not live in shame.  CBU provided a safe place to share my story and connect with other like-minded women. I would 100% recommend CBU to anyone who has experienced narcissist abuse. I have come out a different woman and now walking in the truth of who God says that I am! I want to thank Shannon for being obedient to the calling God placed on her life. In CBU the chains have been broken!!!"
Connect with Kenda:
Alluring Heights LLC: https://www.alluringheightsllc.net/
Lady Nephrology YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/LadyNephrology

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From today, I accept God’s will for my life. I renounce a life of sin, lack, and poverty. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is my Lord and Savior. My status is no longer a beggar and borrower. I AM a lender and giver, in Jesus’ name. I seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto me. Holy Spirit is my paraclete, my comforter, my advocate. The Blood of Jesus atones for my sin and the sins of my ancestors. My DNA is changed, and I am now seated in Heavenly places and God-lead spaces. 
I enter my season of God-given wealth and kingdom currency. I handle wealth and abundance properly. To whom much is given much is required. Time & opportunity wasters, be gone from my life now, in Jesus’ name. Strange hands or family familiar spirits that are siphoning my inheritance and stealing from my financial storehouse, wither by fire, in Jesus’ name. Recession Passover my home. Spiritual lack Passover my home. Curses on my finances, break now by fire, in Jesus’ name. Any covering of darkness concealing my face against my financial & destiny helpers, be revealed & removed in Jesus’ name. 
Holy Spirit place your divine gifts and prosperity that make me prosperous, in Jesus’ name. Every demonic power, curse, witchcraft, spirit that desires me to suffer financial loss during plenty, you are a liar - die now, in the name of Jesus. I bind and rebuke stagnation and loss. I loose God’s abundance and prosperity in my life. Abundance is not just monetary. I am abundant in lovejoy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control! Amen. Shalom!
