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Humor me for just a second.
Because I want you to do something with me.
I want you to take a deep breath.
Ready? Ready...?? Okay...
Breath in. (Mmmmm)
Now breath out. (Ahhhhh)
Now, answer this question for me, if you will: What's one good thing that happened to you in the last 24 hours ā° or so?
It can be anything. It's not a test.
I'm serious. Anything.
It could be that your house didn't burn down during the last 24 hours. That's a big one for me, because, you know... me and cooking don't mix.
Maybe it's that package you ordered just came in.
Or maybe you got a chance to make an early coffee run with no lines. Or maybe you just went to the gym and cleaned up on that day's Bikini Body challenge.
Or maybe it was something else entirely.
Now, hold onto that good thing in your mind and then take a breath with me....
Breath in. (Mmmmm)
Now breath out. (Ahhhhh)
Feels pretty damn good, doesn't it?
My good thing was that I picked up Shrimp Tempura Crunch sushi from Whole Foods today, and it was quite amazing.
**I usually don't find the exact sushi I'm looking for when I want it at the Whole Foods that's close to me , so you can imagine how excited I was to get my sushi takeout.
And now I feel all tingly inside. (Maybe it's from the wasabi šŸ±)
Or maybe it's from the fact that according to scientific findings, the breaths that you and I just took?
They are more powerful than we may realize.
Did you know that, according Dr. Rick Hanson, psychologist at UC Berkeleyā€™s Greater Good Science Center..something as simple as what we just didā€”breathing and reflecting on something positiveā€”can actually play a part in "rewiring our brains"?
And to be honest, I could use a little rewiring.
(Let's just say last week at the day job hasn't been the most "peaceful." Not that it's ever really a fun-for-all ball, per se but the week had been giving me more gray hair than usual...which is why I thought about going directly for the tequila-sour šŸ¹ in my fridge)
But I knew, instinctively, that the tequila wasn't going to help.
Instead I'm choosing to turn this week around and "rewire" my brain.
But to do that, according to the podcast with Dr. Hanson, I am in desperate need of taking a breath...
So, what does "taking a breath" really mean? And how does it change the way our brains work?
Well, I'll get to that in a minute, as soon as I welcome you back to another week of the Wrye on the Rocks VIP Romance letter.
If you're new to the VIP Romance letter, then let me explain how we roll.
We talk about all kinds of juicy things, from what Billionaire šŸ’µ Romance I've been writing for you to exclusives to new Romance releases to our latest book boyfriends (or girlfriends), to our current reads and random thoughts that we have about being a writer, an introvert or an extrovert, a reader, and a human in general.
(In addition to some things that I haven't mentioned to many people for one reason or another...primarily because I find it's hard to talk about, like my writing process + why it kicks my butt from time to time)
But it's a bit more than that, too. I'm also here to have fun with you, share with you.
(And yes, I do read your replies...and like to answer with a million emojis. I blame the tequila)
If you're not new to the Wrye on the Rocks VIP Romance letter, then I know you're already used to all the juicy things! (No shame. šŸ™ƒ Remember: We're all here to be romance-reading weirdos together.)
And for this week's letter, I want to talk about how we all can tap into those juicy, good things in our lives by taking a few good breaths, share an exclusive Sneak Peek + talk about one of the books I've written that I'm *certain* will leave you actually feeling breathless.
So let's get juicy, shall we?
The first "breath" I ever took in my academic or professional career was the year AFTER I left grad school.
It was in my very first non-academic job. (In which I had to wear a suit.)
I was a consultant at an energy automation company that had just developed a software department to handle their clients' needs. In order to get the job, I had to go through one of the most rigorous interviewing processes I've had until this day.
And the onboarding process wasn't any easier. In fact, the more I looked into the role, the more I realized that, yes, this job was really a lot like grad school.
Long hours, lots of written work, little to no thanks from the company + a salary šŸ§¾ that did NOT match the many late night and weekend hours we were all putting in.
One morning, I remember sitting at my desk and thinking how tired I was.
I knew I'd have to come in the next day, and all of the prior days that week, because there was no way I'd be able to get all my work done in a reasonable amount of time.
But it just didn't seem like enough.
I remember thinking, "I just want to take a breath."
And I do mean a breath.
Not a time-out. No coffee run. Not even a small stroll around the building to get some fresh air.
I wanted a real, deep breath.
Maybe even a sigh? Definitely a sigh. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø
I knew I wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything for the rest of that day if I didn't do it.
So that night, I ended up going to the empty parking garage and taking a breath.
I sat there in my car, inhaling so deeply that I felt like I was going to pass out. It felt so good.
But then something happened.
The more I took a breath, the more it was actually starting to feel different.
I remember smelling the exhaust from the cars that were driving by or lingering in the air. The freshness of the cold night air.
The loud ticking of the car engine. I remember seeing my breath in front of me and seeing so many stars in the night sky.
And for a brief moment, I forgot about my tiredness.
I forgot about working the next day.
I forgot about the stress of the job itself.
I forgot about everything. I felt nothing but the feeling of my exhaling breath and it was just...peaceful. And calm. And quiet.
And I realized, that moment. That it was so simple to just take a breath.
And as I sat there, taking a breath and re-taking a breath...I realized that this is how we live our lives everyday.
Most of us are so into our thoughts šŸ’­ that we don't realize how much of a hold they have on our bodies.
How tightly we're holding onto our stress. How tightly we're holding onto our emotions.
And how to pull that tightness away, all we have to do is take a breath.
Dr. Rick Hanson (the UC Berkeley psychologist that I mentioned earlier) was able to put it like this:
"Breathing brings you home.
Body and mind twine together in the breath. As soon as you become aware of breathing, you're in your body.
Speed up the breath, and there's new energy. Slow it down, and you calm down.
Inhale and oxygen surge into your brain while the arousing sympathetic nervous system activates and accelerates the heartbeat. Exhale and activate the soothing, peaceful parasympathetic nervous system so the heart beats more slowly.
In the breath, you are home in this moment, this Now.
The breath is always available as an object of attention, whether formally in meditation or informally as a way to recenter yourself. Track the breath in yourself and know yourself more deeply. Track the breath in others and know them more deeply."
(Up until that moment, all I'd been taking to de-stress...was tequila breaks. I was twenty-four/twenty-five, living for Happy Hour. And let me tell you: Happy Hour gets reallyyyy happy when you've got a bottle of Don Julio silver and friends willing to drink it with you at the end of a very long work day šŸ˜©)
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I never double-fisted shots like this at Happy Hourā€¦but I thought about it??
In that moment, that night in the parking garage, I remember thinking: "This is a big problem."
I needed to find a better way to de-stress than just drinking tequila.
I'd done it before, and it didn't feel good. It felt like all the pressure was still there.
The next day, I went into work and noticed that everything felt so much better.
My mind was clear, my thoughts were calm. The stress from the past week had melted away.
I had tracked my breath the night before and begun to know myself more deeply.
I didn't want to do the job anymore. I knew it wasn't right for me.
And I remember crying (not because of how awful the job was, but because of how amazing it felt to be at peace)...
"I'm leaving my position," I told my boss two weeks later. (My parents were shocked and dismayed, but I knew it was right.)
I realized I wanted to be a writer. It was a desire I had been suppressing since I was old enough to know what a "career" was.
I wanted to write stories and not just memos for our big energy clients or write corporate e-mails for a big company.
I had a dream and an idea...and I knew I didn't want to stay in a job that wasn't fulfilling my dreams.
In that experience, I realized how powerful a tool the breath is.
And how much control we have over our thoughts, our emotions and our bodies.
It's a tool that I continue to use today.
If I get a little stressed, or if my mind starts to wander, I take a breath.
I breathe deep in and slow my breath down...I focus on the exhale...and then I bring that relaxed feeling back into my body and out of my head.
Sometimes that's all it takes to get yourself back on šŸ›¤ track. (Even when your track is just trying to get out of a parking garage)
Baby steps...a breath...and then a step forward.
Taking. a breath might be the jumpstart you need to make the changes you want.
It's that simple.
Now, for another big question...
What do you do during that step forward AFTER you take that breath?
After you're in the present moment, how do you move forward?
How can you use your breath to help you make bold moves to change your life?
The idea of doing things that scare us...that make our heart leap into our throats...and that make us feel vulnerable, is frightening.
It's easier to stay in our comfort zones. It's easier to stay in the same routines and patterns that we've done for years...
But then we're not living life.
We're not challenging ourselves, and we're not growing šŸŒ±
I knew that after taking my breath, I wanted to challenge. To a writer.
And in order to do that, I needed to do what all writers do: Write.
Which is what I did.
And that summer (after quitting my job that very spring), I dedicated all my free time to writing a behemoth of a book, a twisty Enemies to Lovers tale between corporate publishing playboy and Best Man Lukas Griffin and the one woman who won't put up with his shyteā€”beautiful dancer and Maid of Honor, Elena Lexington.
It was over 100,000 words of enemies banter, erotic encounters, twists, mystery, and steam šŸ”„
I loved every minute.
It was my love letter to romance books, and I poured every ounce of passion I had into it.
And then I hit publish. And that's when the process of "becoming a writer" reallyyy began...which is another story for another day.
However, what I learned from this story is this:
If you want to make bold moves in your life, you have to take those bold steps.
You have to take the risks that scare you. You have to write your love letter, even when it isn't perfect.
And trust me: These characters weren't *perfect.* (I mean, the first scene with Lukas is the very definition of debauchery...which might be one of my favorite scenes in the entire book, I might add šŸ™ƒ)
But what's important is that I trusted myself to make it happen.
I trusted myself to take the risk, and I never would have done it without taking that deep breath and getting into the present moment.
It wasn't until recently that I had the cojones to really shout this book out. But now that I do, I'm proud and happy to say that if you're in the market for reading a romance that's as witty, sexy and charming as it is steamy, you've come to the right place.
Elena and Lukas's book HATING THE BEST MAN is now FREE on all platforms and also available in paperback, audio book, and e-book.
And if you want a Sneak Peek to satisfy your curiosity about these two, look no further than this sizzling preview below before grabbing your free copy on your e-tailer of choice.
Enjoyyyy šŸ˜‰
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She notices me out of the corner of her eye before turning to me, giving me her full attention. She assesses me carefully, from the top of my tux to the soles of my shoes. She raises an eyebrow.
ā€œMay I help you with something?ā€ Her voice is gravellyā€”rough.
ā€œUh, yeah, actually. Itā€™s meā€”Lukas.ā€
She shrugs a hefty shoulder. ā€œIs that supposed to mean something to me?ā€
I balkā€”confused. Waitā€¦ ā€œElena?ā€
The redhead laughs heartily. ā€œYouā€™ve got the wrong woman, sweet-face. Iā€™m the head caterer. You looking for the organizer of the party?ā€ I nod once. ā€œThatā€™s Elena over there.ā€ She points unabashedly over my shoulderā€¦ and in the direction of one of the sexiest women I have ever seen.
This new woman is facing towards me, her hands moving animatedly as she speaks. Unlike the caterer, she is neither loud nor boisterous but she is commanding the attention of everyone around her.
Her blonde hair is full, reaching to her naked collarbone. Her shoulders and back are bare and seemingly silky smooth. Her clothes are redā€”a dress? Iā€™m not sure. All I see is her faceā€¦ and skinā€¦ and legsā€¦
Fuckā€”this is Elena?
I have the sudden urge for a cigaretteā€¦ and I donā€™t even smoke anymore. I start walking.
I pay no attention to the audience at her helm; I donā€™t even see them. I cut through the crowd like the parting of the Red Sea, stopping right in front of her. Right in front of her. I am close. Too close. I could reach out and touch her.
The thought is tempting.
The man talking to her notices me before she does and when he sees the look in my eyes, he backs away. Smart man. Finally, she sees me. She turns on me, regarding me curiously.
I rock back on my heels, placing my hands in my pockets. ā€œMm. An answer before promptingā€¦ Thatā€™s funny. I couldnā€™t seem to get an answer for the last six days.ā€
Her expression drops. ā€œLukas,ā€ she says simply. My sardonic smile is my reply.
For several seconds after, we stand still, staring at one another, piercing each other with hot-tempered gazes that blaze a line of fire. Her blue eyes are a liquid flame, and the heat behind them is indescribable. They glow with some sort of subtle passionā€”a form of anger or desireā€¦ maybe bothā€¦
Iā€™m almost sure what I see in her eyes is reflected in my own, but suddenly, a voice cuts in.
ā€œElena,ā€ a staffer says, close-by. ā€œWhere should I put the roses?ā€
Elena breaks the stare, shifting her attention to the waiting woman. ā€œOver there,ā€ she points. ā€œOn the dining tables. I need a bouquet in each centerpiece.ā€
I pull her eyes back to mine, ignoring the interrupting staffer.  ā€œWe need to talk.ā€
Her eyes flash. ā€œMaybe we doā€¦ but definitely not right now.ā€ She starts to turn on her heel.
My hand shoots out, grabbing her securely by the wrist. Touching her skin gives me a jolt, electrifying me down to my toes. I know she feels it, too.
She shudders.
My voice lowers. ā€œYou know damned well we do. Right now.ā€
ā€œOr what?ā€ she challenges. Her head swivels, her eyes roaming the restaurantā€™s span. ā€œYou going to make a scene? You wouldnā€™t dare.ā€
My stare hardens. I pull her closer. ā€œTry me.ā€
She snatches her wrist back, shrugging noncommittally with her next step. ā€œI think I just did.ā€ 
Tequila breaks šŸø and sexy, stubborn publishing execs is just a part of the process of letting breath be your guide.
Rewiring your brain to a new way of thinking is like attempting the first dry shave on your legs: It feels weird, kind of scary and a bit funny at the same time šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«
But thatā€™s what this process is all aboutā€”letting go of old constructs, being willing to embrace new possibilities. That, my friend, requires awareness.
An awareness we get closer and closer to when we take the breath that is necessary to get in tune with our inner self.
Which is why this week's Gem of the Week comes fromā€”you guessed itā€”Dr. Rick Hanson again who in a Psychology Today post wrote this to remind us...
"The breath feels like life inside. No wonder it's been traditionally linked to spiritual matters. To "inspire" is to inhaleā€”to "in spirit," to uplift.
[If] your mind is screaming in pain or blown open in chaos, there is still the breath.
Sometimes all you can do is breathe and know that you are still breathingā€”one breath at a time.
You were just getting through this breath. And then the next one. And the next.
Plus, in the knowledge of breathing, there is awareness of awareness, not metaphysically or cosmically but as a refugeā€”if need be, of last resort.
Try it: Breathing here and now; recognize that awareness is a field or space in which contents come and go, such as the sensations of breathing.
You can see that no matter what arises and passes away, awareness remains, undamaged and unstained, like the sky that is never harmed by the storm clouds passing through it.
When times are terrible, try to be the observing, the awareness, to get some space from the pain and sustain a sense of being intact in your core.
You can do this as well when times are good, which will help you both to stay in the sweet spot of enjoying without tipping into the suffering of wanting, and to strengthen your grounding in awareness for when things fall apart."
Sometimes we need to be reminded that it's okay to have those little breaks.
To take a breath. To slow down and sit in that parking garage and actually smell the (hypothetical) fuel exhaust of our lives before they go by us.
And, to put some space between us and that hyper-speed, hyper-stimulated life.
To keep the breath as our guide.
To remember that while the hyper-drive šŸŽ of our lives is great in times of crisis or urgency, it's also very important to remember that slowing down and getting grounded is just as important.
The next time you find yourself remembering this letter, take a breath. And then another one after that. And another one after that.
You'll feel it. Something as simple as taking a pauseā€”a good memory, a few beats and good breathsā€”really can be a catalyst for good change.
So let's keep that good thing going...
Are you ready??
Your turn...
Breath in. (Mmmmm)
Now breath out. 
**By the way: Just wanted you to know that you're receiving this letter from my crazy self b/c you signed up to receive my VIP letters as a member of the Billionaire Book Boyfriend Club or because I bribed you into being on my VIP list šŸ™ƒ
About Natalie Wrye (AKA ā€œMeā€)
Natalie Wrye is a reader, writer and tequila lover best known for writing seductive billionaire romance and characters whose HEA's you'll love rooting for.
A notebook hoarder whose books have been featured on USA Today's HEA and PopSugar, when she's not watching Netflix re-runs or yelling at college basketball games on TV, she's usually crafting sexy suspenseful stories about hard-bodied, take-charge heroes and the strong-willed women who crave them.
She loves it when people get weird with her on IG or