
Weekly Newsletter

September 2022 vol. 1

Austin Bitcoin Club
Food Intelligence Panel
The Austin Bitcoin Club asked me to participate in a panel focusing on the intersection of Ranching and Bitcoin last Thursday.  It was a great event - good food and great people.  I was there with Texas Slim, who heads up @BeefInitiative, and @CarniClemenza, host of Meat Mafia Podcast, to discuss what it means to get to know your rancher and do business direct to consumer - exchanging value-for-value.  You can see a few snippets on our Twitter Feed: @amberoaksranch.
to the 
Big Leagues
On Sunday, the piggies graduated from their small training area to the open range, a 17 acre pasture with many trees, a giant pond, and plenty of food to forage. For the first  6 weeks, we keep the pigs in a 30’ round pen that is enclosed by hog fencing. It is here that we get them used to people and train them to an electric fence. Our next step is to move them to a 100’ x 50’ paddock to reinforce their training. This paddock is surrounded by electric fence on all sides, and is cross fenced with a single strand of electrified poly wire.  In this phase we work on getting them to come when called - "here piggy piggy" - and prove their respect for electric fencing in anticipation of moving them to their final stomping ground. This week, our latest group of pigs made that transition, and they couldn't be happier. 
Moving 10 three-month-old pigs across the property is quite challenging since they are extremely skittish and easily distracted. However, we have been training for this day for three months and a bucket of feed, patience, and "here, piggy piggy" are usually enough to make the transition. The move on Sunday went flawlessly and now they're all eagerly exploring their new home, and meeting new friends - 3 adult pigs and a flock of sheep.  They’ll remain here for the next 4+ months until they are ready to grace your table.
A pasture-raised pig eats a lot of grass, grubs, roots, and nuts, producing great meat with a deeper flavor and color. You may recall the slogan “pork, the other white meat”?  That was a combination of two lies - that red meat is bad for you, and that pork meat was white.  The reason that pork is WHITE is because they raised it in a barn, on concrete, and fed it nothing but corn.  It’s also the reason store bought pork has no flavor.  Give our pork a try - you’ll be amazed! 


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Be well, 

stay safe,


John & Molly
