Hi friend!
It's been a hot minute (literally…Denver is having a record heat wave right now) & this summer has been an extra full one, but I'm back in the newsletter groove, baby. I have a jam-packed newsletter of updates, tips & faves for you this month!
Thank you for taking precious time out of your day to read this! If you have any feedback or would just like to say hi, press “reply”.
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These past few weeks, I’ve been refreshing my website through adjusting the branding ever-so-slightly & allowing more of my personality to shine through. I’ve added vibrant photographs (can you tell I love plants and flowers?), a clearer navigation of my services, Inspiration / Creativity pages, & a Freebies page, which is where I’ll be sharing printable files that are helpful or inspirational (this is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while & I’m sooo happy with it)! 
The Small Business Ecosystem is still one of my favorite spots on my site, as it’s a way to highlight businesses / artists / service providers / entrepreneurs that are certified awesome (which is what I'm super passionate about). If you’re on Instagram & follow my account, I’m gradually sharing a bit more in-depth info about each & every one of them! Tune in for the next ART share next week!
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