Hey, Chain Breaker, Hey! 


Meet a Chain Breaker University  Spring Cohort Queen:  Stephanie 
My name is Stephanie Johnson. I am 39 years old & have a beautiful 11-year-old daughter. I obtained my Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice from Virginia Commonwealth University in December 2006. In June 2009, I obtained my Master's Degree from the University of Phoenix Online. Since 2006, I have worked a plethora of positions in the Mental Health career field. My line of work is definitely where I discovered my passion for working with mental health client care.
God blessed me with the gifts of hospitality and compassion. It takes a very special person to work in this population in this field. It is NOT for everyone. My passion for wanting to help people improve their quality of life motivates me to continue working in this area of expertise. Currently, I work as a Care Manager for an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). In this role, I connect clients to counselors. I also provide in-the-moment counseling and resources to clients dealing with mental health concerns, domestic violence, and major life changes. 
What Chain Breaker University (CBU) meant to Stephanie: 
My goal is to one day become a life coach and or use my purpose to witness to women that are dealing with and have previously dealt with toxic relationships. I continue to seek God & His guidance to use my experiences as a testimony to others. I  want to show other women there is hope and that it’s never too late to figure out your value and worth. Taking classes through CBU was a life-changing experience for me. I  have learned how to battle spiritual warfare and break generational curses. This program has also taken me through deliverance and I am thankful for Shannon's prayers and covering over my life. This community has taught me how to identify healthy relationships vs. toxic relationships. My entire 8-weeks helped me renew my mind and rededicate my life back to God completely. The classes also showed me my top 5 spiritual gifts including Mercy, Pastor/Shepard, Exhortation, Help, and Service.  I would recommend this class to anyone as Shannon is a blessing from God. I am so thankful she allowed God to use her and share her testimony.  God led me to Shannon's Youtube channel the week  of my breakup from my Narcissistic Abusive relationship. I am so thankful God led me to her!

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Shannon won’t be live this week. 
⏪Catch the replay⏪
The Narcissist’s Tactics: 
The Devil’s Toolbox of Demonic Deception & Distraction!

Date: to be announced!

Elohim, I come to you with thanksgiving in my heart and praise in my spirit! We are going from barren to birth in Yeshua's name! I enter a season of PROPHETIC PRAISE! I praise my way through this hour. I praise my way through this day. I praise my way through this season of my life! I repent of all my transgressions and ask Yeshua Hamashiach, the Blood of the Covenant, to atone for my ancestors and my sin. Release me from ungodly soul ties and demonic lay lines. Release me from curses and usher me into blessings. Release from the lies of the enemy as I accept your truth! It is PRAISE time! It is reconciliation time! It is time for our men to arise!
Abba, we pray for our spouses and future spouses according to your will. Our men have been silenced by the witchcraft arrows of Jezebel. Some have been Ahab’d and abdicated their godly authority to a worldly witch! No more! We return those witchcraft arrows back to the demons and send them to the abyss! We pray your hand continues to cover godly Kingdom marriages. They will not be put asunder! We pray for our men to come under YOUR lordship.
Jehovah Gibbor, we pray for our women of warfare to ARISE! They too have been conditioned to accept abuse. Some of have been silenced by societal and cultural norms; others by a spirit of error, legalism, and religious spirits. We renounce legalistic thinking, false teachings, false prophecies, and false prophets. We bind kundalini and charismatic teachings in Jesus’ Holy name! Uncover their eyes Father! Bring them into remembrance of your Word. In Acts 2:17, You said, “I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” We believe your Word!
Godly men arise! Kingdom daughters arise! We are men & women of warfare!
Take off that sackcloth and give HIM an undignified PRAISE! PUT ON YOUR ARMOR AND GARMENTS OF PRAISE!
Let us arise together! Let us praise together! In Yeshua’s mighty name…It is so. Shalom
“Whatever happens, I will continue to thank the Lord. If there are no flowers on the fig trees, if there are no grapes on the vines, if there are no olives on the olive trees, if there are no crops in the fields, if the sheep are dying in the hills, if there are no cows on the farms, I will still sing to thank the Lord! I will be happy because God is the one who makes me safe.”
Habakkuk 3:17-18
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting, and his truth endureth to all generations. 
Psalm 100
