Hi there new friend! 
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I'm so glad you're here.
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I’m so happy you jumped on my email list!  I'm Angela- a wife, mom, and high school teacher with a passion for budget friendly fashion. I share affordable fashion deals and outfit ideas in and out of the classroom sprinkled with some beauty, home, and lifestyle finds. 
My newsletter is my favorite way to stay connected with all of you, and it's the easiest way for you to see the top things I shared that week. 
You don't want to miss out on all the fun on my Facebook Page where I share 12-15 deal and outfit inspo posts per day! It's also a great way to ask questions and connect with me in the comments on the posts. 
My blog is a great way to catch up on what I'm up to each week and to gain ideas like how to wear one item multiple ways, how to style basics like leggings, denim jackets, booties, etc. 
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Don't forget to Follow me on Instagram
I'm so excited to stay in touch!