September, #Back to school season…
Dear First name / friend,
A new season is here. For me, September is always a new beginning with the schools getting started. My son Can started 3rd grade this year. Time literally flies. If you are living it with awarness and intentionally, it goes by with lots of unforgettable memories. Like your pregnancy days, the first time you feel your baby's movement, the kick of your baby, the birth of you baby, first smile of your baby, first steps, first day at school... Every age brings a new first. That's what you will experience with your little ones dear parents.
Welcome to my newsletter and I really appreciate your being in the Doula-la Notes community. I took a break with my monthly newsletters but I start to write again with the new season.
As you can imagine, lots of things happened  since my last newsletter. I met many new couples, new babies arrived, there was an other online mother blessingway ceremony and I got to meet 3 of my couples, couple of months after birth which was the best gift! I continued my EDN (European Doula Network) volunteer work in the membership team, I continue to take place in Turkish Doula Association meetings and working for the upcoming Global congress which I will share about more below.  

I have great news! I was thinking to form an “expat mother's whatsapp support group” as I mentioned earlier in my newsletter and I finally did!
This group is for expat families living in Turkey to communicate in English and to be able to meet and share. 
If we have worked together and you are not in the group please send me a message to join.
In today's newsletter:
✨ New Blog Post 
✨ Prenatal Sciences Global Congress News
Just Being

The Infant Microbiome and Our Effect on Future Generations
I wrote about the infant microbiome based on the training I got. Thinking about my childhood, our era was full of anti bacterial cleaning with bleach and now I understand this was not the best thing to do for our immune system. I think it is very important to know about all these facts for ourselves, our children and future generations. That’s why I wrote this blog and created a new presentation to teach the families. The infant microbiome is so deep and there is more to discover. If you are interested, I cover more about the microbiomes and epigenetics in my sessions and in my new presentation.

Prenatal Sciences Global Congress
6-9 October 2022
The congress is finally here. For those who missed it on my previous newsletter and IG, this congress is an international online congress and it is accredited by European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME). There are 126 speakers from all over the world. The pioneers of prenatal psychology will be joining  including Thomas Verny. He is one of the pioneers of birth psychology and the founders of APPPAH (Association of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health)  The congress has pre-congress events and last week was the online meeting from the “Days and works of” series. The guest was Thomas Verny. It was an honour to listen to his life story. He said he worked for good and he will as much and as long as he can. I learned about him during my pregnancy and his first book “The Secret Life of the Unborn Child” is in my book recommendation list.
This congress is for birth professionals, parents, everyone… I took part working at the country committee and will contribute as moderator and co-moderator during the congress. I am looking forward to the congress days.
You can register from the congress website, clicking below.
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Just Being
“Don’t just do something; sit there.” 
—Sylvia Boorstein
This is the “Quote of the Quarter” from Midwifery Today Magazine's last issue. 
When you accompany a birth as a doula, there are many techniques and methods you can use based on your education and expertise. When you are a new doula you want to use it all with the excitement of helping a mother. But as you got experienced,  you become aware that it more about being then doing. When I accompany a birth, I use many complementary, natural techniques, feeling the mother's needs. And sometimes I do nothing but just sit. Help the mother just being there, being present.  This is a change that comes with your inner-self journey. This is the same in our lives especially when we are parenting. Remember this during the day and don't just do something. Do it intentionally or just sit. 

My last newsletter was on mid-March, almost the beginning of the year. As I wrote these lines, I once again realized how much I missed writing my doula-la notes. Writing feeds my soul. I hope you enjoyed while reading.




👉🏻If you are thinking of a friend that should sign up to my newsletter or would be interested in doula-la notes, please share this sign-up link🤗
👉🏻If you have missed the previous issues of doula-la notes, you can view from this page.
Aysegul was an excellent doula. She is dedicated to her job, and was of great help to both my husband and I. She started off as a doula but has now become a dear friend!
—Tajrina S.

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