the table eChat
Are you leveraging your mission to build resilience?
What if your organization's mission was the anchor point that every conversation, decision, restorative action and strategic plan was rooted in? 
The organization would intentionally create consistency, equity, capacity, sustainability and clarity in the work and how the people engage on teams do the work.  Resilience would be organically grown.  
And here's the thing…it would cost little to no money because it's about behaviors not programs.
"In resilient work cultures,
leaders and their teams
know their purpose [mission]
and call on it in
every decision they make."  -gallup, 2022
a skill that can be developed to offer strength and stability when recovering from difficulties and leverage when facing new challenges.   
People are exhausted and yet missions are often…
  • long and laborious [not easy to recall and even less easy to connect to day-to-day work]
  • forgotten and filed [created, posted on a wall but disconnected to how people behave]
  • customer centric [focused only on external customer/client/student experience or simply not connecting the mission to the internal team experience]
  • MIA [missing in action or possibly never designed]
A meaningful mission matters.  "Organizations that connect their people, their day-to-day work to the mission" experience:
51 % decrease absenteeism
64 % decrease safety incidents
29% increase in quality         -gallup 2022
Side Note:  Teams I work with that leverage their mission and commit to positive culture norms [behaviors] using the practical tool the table principlestm report greater connection to each other and the work they are called to do…positively impacting retention and engagement.  
A Strategic Experiment:  design a mission-driven meeting
  • keep mission front and center. [place the mission at the top of the agenda]
  • set the table well. [start meeting with a quick roundtable asking where have people observed the mission in action: grown, protected or represented. NOTE: give folks notice that this will be a part of the agenda so they can come prepared for their 30 second contribution] If there is complete silence…there's a bigger issue to explore.  Reach out and let's talk.
  • connect the dots.  [design the agenda so every item links to and/or aligns with the mission to provide protection from busy work, unrelated topics and keeps a fierce focus anchored back to advancing the mission]
  • link tasks to mission. [take time to connect step/task to the mission for the team]
Be relentless.  Don't drop the experiment if it feels like a fail.  I can help with the redesign, so your meetings are more meaningful and mission minded.  
This simple strategy can: 
-boost resilience because work is linked to greater purpose 
-create a growth mindset that will better solve problems at the table
-protect from busywork that distracts from the mission and exhausts your people
Together we can build resilient organizations one person at a time.  
Your mission can be the secret power to ignite the very people you need to activate your organization's calling in sustainable ways!   Recruitment, retention and engagement of both the people you serve and the people who serve up the mission will be re-imagined and re-energized!
Ready to explore a strength-based focus that engages research-based strategies to activate your mission?  Let's talk! 
A no cost discovery consult is your next step to designing authentic pathways for your organization, teams and individual leaders to grow a resilience-rooted organization that leverages the mission! 
Let's create resilient tables rooted in mission,  
PS Here's a quick tool to fuel a conversation on Why Resilience Matters and if your team might be waiting for you to take the next step!
PSS  If your mission is long, laborious, posted but really filed away or maybe missing in action, I'm ready to explore with you to design an anchor point to grow your work from that aligns with what you value!
One last AND…if you are curious on how exploring, emerging and engaging your top strengths [Clifton Strengths®] builds resilience and boosts your mission, let's explore Strengths & Strategies Leadership Coaching [6 session coaching] packed with practical processing that leads to progress forward]!