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your recording is here!
Hi First name / friend!
It's Week 39 and this week we had some amazing stories and truths this week!

We read:
Zechariah, Esther, Ezra 7-10, Nehemiah 1-5
We discussed:
✔️ How the lost world is looking for a shepherd
✔️ Do we run ahead of God's timing and take things into our own hands?
✔️ Bravery in a culture that doesn't want to hear truth
✔️ The problem of biblical illiteracy in our country

New Testament starts Oct 1!
It's TIME! We can now start announcing to our friends and family that the New Testament Bible Recap starts on October 1! The info page is live on my blog right now. Click here!
I have all the graphics and verbiage ready for you to start sharing…go to this Google Drive to grab what you need! You have the opportunity to make an eternal difference in someone's life…don't be afraid to share the good news my friends!

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My video has been so grainy lately…sorry about that! 
Here is a link to the AUDIO ONLY if you want to use that instead. 

"For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Esther 4:14

xo, sara

P.S. Here is the page on my site where I am putting all of the archived recordings, as well as the direct link to the emails.