We started the year off with this powerful revival service. Such a God given opportunity to minister at the national pastor's retreat in El Salvador. So many pastor's and their wives received a fresh word from God. It is definitely a season of fresh outpouring of God's spirit in El Salvador.
This same month, God gave us a clear confirmation that Alicia was to run for school board in our hometown, Orlando, FL.
FEBRUARY Medical Missions We hosted an incredible group of doctors who made a huge impact through medical clinics and training. We traveled to many villages with medicine, meeting peoples need and spreading the hope of Jesus Christ.
Work Missions
Spring was busy with new teams with lots of energy and passion to spread the love of Christ throughout our entire region.
In March we also received a call from Governor DeSantis asking Alicia to speak at the signing of a very important bill. It was an answer to many years of prayer.
Jam Packed!
April was full of life! We hosted two mission teams, started a No Greater Love orphanage soccer team, preached at a very large youth gathering and watched our son, Peter, as he delivered a powerful performance at our fine arts competition.
Because of YOUR generosity, we were able to bless Alejandro with a wheelchair.
We watched our oldest graduate from high school, knocked on hundreds of doors for the school board campaign, and ended the month with a quick trip to Puerto Rico to see Jonathan's family.
Ground Breaking
We hosted several teams, broke ground on phase 3 of the orphanage, saw God work in miraculous ways and even had time to take Alejandro to the movies for the first time in his life.
Mission Trips
We had a record breaking number of mission teams that we hosted this summer. A total of 13 teams and the average size team was between 25 to 35 people. We absolutely love watching God work through each and every team member that we host and are so thankful for their willingness to serve.
A Month of Wins
We wrapped up our busy team season and watch Peter's Fine Arts group perform at nationals, Jonathan received his Chaplin certificate for the Orlando Police, and Alicia won the election primary pushing her on to a run-off election in November.
Jonathan & Peter had the opportunity to speak and minister at a youth retreat. What a powerful weekend! In September we partnered with “Without Borders” to expand our Wigs of Hope ministry. We also held a press conference exposing the evil that has infiltrated our public schools in Orlando.
Obedient To The Call
October was full of visiting local churches, urging a call to action for Christians to rise up for the sake of our children.
He is Faithful!
10 months of working hard, holding strong to our core values and following God's lead, Alicia WON a seat on the school board for Orange County!
The Lord had given us the verse Isaiah 22:22 at the beginning of the year which says “I will place on His shoulder the key of the house of David; what He opens no one can shut, and what He shuts no one can open.” Not only did the Lord open the door for Alicia to have a leadership position over 200,000 students but he opened the door for Jonathan to give the invocation during the swearing in ceremony. This was God ordained from start to finish!
Ministry in November…
Casa de petros
Casa De Petros:
The word Petros means Rock in Greek.
God Blessed us with an amazing property and team to start a rehabilitation center in El Salvador. The property is located very close to the orphanage campus. Our team is so excited to see all that God has done and all that He is going to do.
We have been so amazed at God's continued faithfulness as we've watch Him light a fiery passion inside in our oldest son, Peter Mark. He took a leap of faith and will be heading to YWAM Kona for evangelism training in January. A huge Thank You to everyone who was able to support Peter financially!
As we reflect on 2022, it is incredible to see all that we were able to accomplish. God has opened doors that we would have never imagined. We have expanded in so many areas and our entire team just stands in complete awe of what God is doing. We know that this is just the beginning of what God has in store. We are believing that all the seeds that have been sown in 2022 will produce a great harvest in 2023. We are eternally thankful for your commitment and partnership to our lives and ministry. We couldn't do it without you. We are praying that in 2023 you will see all of the desire's of your heart come to pass.