Upcoming Events
October 2022
Calling all doulas, midwives + birth pros! Ready for a premium business up-level? Here's what's happening in October (it's gonna be EPIC!)
From the desk of Melynda Smith 
Here's a quick rundown of all the LIVE events I'll be hosting this month inside the Big Doula Energy Community Workspace. Can't make it live? No worries; you can always catch the replays on your own time; everything will get uploaded to the Video Vault! 
Oct. 4th
Quarterly Business Review
Welcome to Quarter 4 of 2022! During this session we're going to review your KPI's from Q3 to see what worked, what didn't + how to recalibrate, so you can move into Q4 more strategically and confidently. This is a critical Business Wellness Check and sets the stage for what you'll manifest in 2023!!

How will you know if you're on track to reach your goals, or if your business is thriving or dying... unless you regularly review some actual business numbers? A QBR (Quarterly Business Review) will help you understand what's going well and what isn't, so you can have a crystal clear picture of what's really going on in your business. Think of it as a Business Wellness Check!  And babe, this is the most important wellness check of the year. 
These insights will help you answer important questions like: 
  • What went well last quarter? What needs to be improved?
  • What marketing channels/products/services got me the best ROI (return on investment)? Which ones got the least?
  • What was my profit/loss? Is my business thriving or dying?
  • Are my goals/projects on track or off track? Am I moving in the direction I want or am I way off course?
  • Is my business MORE easeful, playful, joyful, and profitable than last quarter... or less?
Can't make it live? No worries! Submit your questions anyway; I'll provide an in depth response. The session will recorded and uploaded to the Big Doula Energy: Video Vault!
I'm available to answer questions related to these topics:
  • Marketing
  • Branding
  • Web design
  • Strategic Pricing
  • Profit Planning
  • Productivity
  • Time Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Mindset Mastery
  • Scheduling/Systems/SOP's
  • Automations
  • Hiring/Teams
  • Passive Income
  • Digital Products
  • Online Courses/Coaching
  • Client Attraction
  • Product Development
  • Business Planning
  • Tech, apps and software
Oct. 18th
SWOT Analysis w/ Tarot
We're going to do a traditional SWOT Analysis (I've got an in depth workbook for you!) and also (optional) a four card tarot spread for some additional insight. 
A SWOT Analysis helps you to intimately understand your (and your companies): Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Sometimes it’s wise to perform a general SWOT analysis just to check on the current landscape of your business to see what's working well and what needs to be improved. The results of your SWOT can show you the areas your business is performing optimally, as well as areas need adjustment. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors (Re: Know thyself) and Opportunities and Threats are external factors (competitors, social shifts, etc). TL;DR: A SWOT is a holistic tool that will help you better understand yourself and what's going on in your industry so you can make informed business decisions based on best evidence. LOL at using my #DoulaSpeak to explain this better! 
  • Strengths: Strengths are things your business is already doing well, the unique resources your team possesses, or any competitive advantages you have. Strengths are internal factors, so you can build on them and use them to your advantage.
  • Weaknesses: Weaknesses are areas where your business could improve, where resources are needed, or areas where your competitors are surpassing you. Weaknesses are also internal factors, so you can often address and overcome them.
  • Opportunities: Opportunities are areas you can take advantage of now. These could be new resources available to you, emerging trends you could lean into, or any strengths you’ve yet to adopt into your strategy. Like threats, opportunities are external factors because they’re beyond your control.
  • Threats: Threats are anything that could negatively impact your business from the outside or any obstacles your business currently faces. You can usually get a sense of your business’s threats or competition when you run a market analysis. As an external factor, threats are often beyond your control.
Oct. 25th
P.E.S.T.E.L Analysis
WHEW, yes ya'll, we're going to nerd out with another “analysis”. But don't worry, as boring as this may sound on the surface I swear to God I'll make this SO fun and insightful! It may be one of the coolest business exercises you've ever done.
A PESTLE analysis is (another!) amazing strategic business tool that will help you understand how various outside elements might impact your businesses now… and in the future. PESTLE stands for the six external factors that can influence a business: Political factors, Economic factors, Social factors, Technological factors, Legal factors, and Environmental factors. Each of these concepts is an external factor that could represent either opportunities OR threats to your organization.
So many things are constantly shifting and effecting your industry, your business and your clients (Think: Hurricane Ian, Roe V. Wade, Covid, Medicaid changes, just to name a few.) Being able to see the big shifts coming and adapt to them quickly is the name of the game. Remember when Covid hit? WHOA! What a major social factor, with immense repercussions for doulas and midwives! You have to be able to quickly adapt and improvise when things like this happen; your survival as an entrepreneur depends on it. There are so many major shifts happening right now (or ABOUT to happen) in your industry; do you know what they are? How exactly do they effect you, your clients and your business? How are you going to adapt and improvise? These are the questions we're going to answer during this workshop.
Yes, this workshop comes with a cool workbook. Feel free to bring your tarot cards if it feels aligned. See what fresh insights come up for you. 
NOTE: I can never remember if its “effect” or "affect" so I just used both. Someone hit reply and remind me of the rule! lol
First name / Friend, I can't wait to hang out with you in real life and get to know you better. My workshops are FUN, high value and so actionable. Bring some paper or a notebook and be sure to put these dates on your Google calendar / in your planner / on your dry erase board NOW so you don't forget! 
xoxo, Melynda