Hi First name / there,
Last week, I was invited to be a guest at my friend Kim's podcast, Mom's Exit Interview
We met through several sets of mutual friends (leave it to me!) and I really like that she's a fellow mom entrepreneur doing amazing things. (Side note: we were both featured in this Brooklyn Eagle article as such!)
In her podcast, she asked me what my top 3 tips for entrepreneurs are, and what I often see people are stuck in or blocked by in my work as a leadership coach. 
You can listen to my answers here, forward to 28:20.
People often assume that when you're a business owner or someone in leadership, that you're supposed to have everything figured out. 
But this isn't always the case. In fact, I feel we are the people who are constantly figuring things out -- and it's totally normal to sometimes feel lost and overwhelmed when you're the one at the top… 
I've had many clients who are business owners who've shared the same feelings of discomfort, anxiety and self-doubt. 
They also unknowingly carried around their limiting beliefs around money. That money runs out and that there isn't enough to go around.
The old, unhealthy, and ineffective way to deal with all of this is to “suck it up”. 
Sucking it up is a bandaid that'll eventually fall off and leave you in a worse position, at the most inconvenient time.
The smarter and more productive approach:  
Find a dedicated time to sit down, lay all your cards on the table, reevaluate + determine the root causes of both your overwhelm and your business problems, and resolve them one by one.
Sit down and lay all your cards on the table, First name / friend. It's always worth your time.
After working with my clients, they've been able to simplify their life, prioritize better, delegate and hire well, carry a stronger money mindset, solve problems quickly and with confidence, and ultimately, get money flowing back into their accounts.
Whether you're a business owner, an executive, a manager, or an aspiring entrepreneur, here are 3 mindsets I challenge you to try on:
1. You can do your best work without having to work 40 hours a week.
2. You have the ability to make the kind of money you want.
3. You have what it takes to reach every single lofty goal you set.
I'm rooting for you.
xx, Leah
PS. I'm opening up a waitlist for my one-on-one coaching next week!!
If you're interested in working with me, definitely keep an eye out for that. If you have a friend who might need a life and business coach, please share this newsletter with them.
PPS. In case you missed it, here's where I've been in the media recently:
Read the article, ‘I Love Your Shoes’: At Work, Compliments Between Women Are a Minefield, and let me know what you think! Don't have a subscription? Hit reply and I'm happy to send you the pdf!

I’m honored to be written up as one of Brooklyn Eagle's amazing women! Find me here.
“Leah Wiseman Fink has tips for entrepreneurs about getting into the right mindset, finding the right clients, and reminds us all that ‘money is not a dirty topic’!” Listen here.

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